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Everything posted by christo-f

  1. Dang, you do me better than I do me. I'll try my hand at an ALTS tonight if I'm lucky enough to ever finish work.
  2. Yeah, definitely Pert on this one.
  3. Took me a while to see Che there, was starting to wonder if I was off the pace for a minute!! That non-prophet one is cool too.
  4. Fuck it, no way I'll get this done in time. I'm enjoying this battle thang as it is giving me the excuse to experiment rather than just try and get it right each time. The purple was my first (disastrous) attempt at chrome, the block was for fun. The unfinished was to be my actual entry, still unsure if I was going to do wings on one or two sides. Still might finish it yet.
  5. I'm going to be late on this.
  6. Chyeah, I got ma jay comin....
  7. I am going to bite the hell out of that S. Fine piece of work.
  8. I like it too, just don't have the time, mate. Lucky to make the Alpha battle once a week as it is.
  9. be.e, you need to have a certain number of posts on this forum before you see all the pics. Post some silly shit in Channel Zero, talk politics and conspiracies in Crossfire for a few days and you'll be seein' pics before you know it. Nice neg space work, BTW!!
  10. Well, looks like we're stepping it up.
  11. MEK's is seamless and has done everything right but to be honest I actually prefer this from Sech. Fresssshhhhhh.....
  12. Offend?? haha, get over yourself ya fucking spastic. And no, I don't mind, my car is economic, I cycle when possible because I love it and our currency shits on yours at the moment making the impact less painful over here. However, now I understand what you're on about it is a good idea and nicely done, no doubt about that!
  13. christo-f


    Hamas and Fatah are uniting, Hamas political leadership is moving from Damascus to Qatar and the military leadership moving to Gaza. The US is being rather reserved in their approach to what is happening in Syria. I reckon there might be some math there.
  14. Wow, ours are a bit similar, in flow at least, aren't they? Sorry about that, wasn't intentional. Oh well, not a huge amount that you can do with an I anyway. I'll post all my failures when I get back home so everyone can have a laugh.
  15. Screwed the 3D up on the coloured one so sketched out another simpler one to try and redeem myself. Kind of like it upside down too.
  16. Oh STFU, shit is mad already. Wish I was good enough to be humble......:(
  17. Every time I look at those tongues with lumps on them I get chills thinking about my tongue being covered in painful blisters....
  18. Goddamnit. I suggest we just start voting now, get it over with and move on to J......
  19. Hahahaha, must be hard to type with 3 dicks in your mouth at once!!! *two :p
  20. Well, yeah, they just did so in Abbatobad, will do the same to Awlaki in the near future and a number of others, just as they have been with drones for the past 6 years. Why bother with a Jackal when you can hunt with a predator?
  21. Yeah, I'd say there will be a few with eyeballs on them. I know I'm planning one. I should be working......
  22. Yeah, tha's right! I'm getting in EARLY on this letter, mofos!!
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