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Everything posted by HighGravityCane

  1. The reason everyone should hate KONY is because he is responsible for Soulja Boys career.
  2. Kony, putting INFANT back in Infantry nigga.
  3. USERS CURRENTLY VIEWING THIS THREAD: 1175 (76 members and 1099 guests) HighGravityCane , armand hammer , griteeth , ecaps , troofandroomaz , humanzee , northernlights , da1lyoperations , AHOLE , Lesbian Fisting , !DoNkE*PuNchA! , nobodies , Ernie McCracken , HatoriHanzo , POER. , Cus D'Amato , PhiladelphiaCollins , blankxpression. , cityking415 , bobsakamano , KRAUT , Raiden , nappydugout , BroadyBoys , Richard.Ramirez , puhfester , Chubbs , lancemanly801 , dfaons , tot_poker , En Sabah Nur , jmfour , Milkmoney , TWINsister , BruceBruce , messiah... , Roberto_Flack , sanyo , schadillac , xen , Omega Man , lord patrick , SKR , SUN TZU , +plus+ , BLAZIN989 , [culturevulture] , EastSwaggings , pop.roko. , chemical ali , Demolishun , dicklesstracy , stalebert , Das Beard 2.0 , JAMES_BONDY , Deine Mudder , artismyweapon , ilovedrunk , ihate12ozprophet.com , UD157 , Chromotherapy , d a m a g e , Kaiser Soze , Dr. Dose , spangechange , antix818 , ValueHorse , pure hate , Moenze Jackson , naster , Quizzical88
  4. She had an amazing set of pipes no one can make a crack about that.
  5. Says he doesn't give a fuck. Writes a wall of text.
  6. "On the job" didn't they just take his gun and badge making him more or less officially off the job? I don't remember exactly but wasn't he on leave cause he beat Jesse to a pulp?
  7. Thumbs up if you listening to this in 1984.
  8. Ahahaha I think they gave him exactly enough to pay the back taxes and not a penny more.
  9. You're a fucking idiot Manny died in Scarface so how the fuck could he become the cartel boss? Think before you post and make yourself look utterly stupid.
  10. Peepin the new episode right now Gus is in for questioning, this motherfucker is on his game... can post a link to it if you're not already watching.
  11. I think the real reason Hank is getting involved is so that when he gets really close they'll pull a hit on his wife trying to intimidate him, and he does back off but this was his plan the whole time so he can spend more time with his rocks, I MEAN GEODUDES.
  12. Can't wait to see shit pop off between Mike and the Cartel. Also I may just be paranoid but I would think they have Jesse's house bugged and Gus knows everything but not a single fuck is given.
  13. Did anyone else fart while reading this? Feels good man.
  14. Look I don't know what you've been up to but I have a plan that will cheer you up bro. Go to some type of AIDS or HIV positive dating site meet and hookup with as many people as possible. Disregard condoms, acquire AIDS. Now call this bitch up and tell her that you do not care that she has given you teh herpes and that if anything it has "made you realize how much you care" about her or that "it can only strengthen your relationship" and send a smiley face, bitches love smiley faces. Now engage her in copious amounts of sexual intercourse no matter how much it may enrage you. Ensure that you have passed on your little gift to her. (Remember once you give it to her you will no longer have it.) Now the time to enjoy the fruit of your labor is almost at hand. Go to her facebook profile and post this picture. http://tinyurl.com/lcrjxx Enjoy the satisfaction and a story you can tell for years to come. Cheers
  15. Re: Genital Herpes....bummer Go pick up some AIDS and return the favor.
  16. This threads been derailed and its never going back.
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