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Everything posted by scaryletters

  1. clean lines, no letter structure.
  2. get the fuck out of here, it's not just writing on walls, and its idiots like you who are ruining what used to be a great scene. im done with you, discussion is over.
  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco keeps all day
  4. it was a general statement dipshit, i said 'hobbyists dont diss lifers', i wasn't referring to him so cool your fucking jets and don't talk like you know me. *bump that character.
  5. you can't destroy the masters house with the masters tools.
  6. for some it's a hobby, for some it's life. hobbyists don't diss on the lifers.
  7. a voting record that's anti-state? that doesn't exist my friend.
  8. holy fucking christ. im sure they'd give him the death penalty for that.
  9. if you were really interested in "taking back what belongs to us", you'd stop preaching to these sheep that ron paul is somehow looking out for their best interests. ron paul wants what all politicians want, absolute power and absolute control. nothing is going to change until we get rid of this system where people like ron paul prosper off the blood, sweat, and tears of the working class.
  10. if it's "just" graffiti to you then you shouldn't be here..
  11. you're finally right on something...osama has never been the target. ever.
  12. i see the lp creepin! great flix this page!
  13. i dont see why i have to go with it simply because it's the law of the land. i'm not a communist but i thoroughly believe we don't need a state to tell us what's right and wrong. ron paul is just another, in a long list, of manipulators and exploiters.
  14. nobody is on his dick, his stuff is needs a lot more work, anybody can see that.
  15. elite- "In sociology as in general usage, the elite is a relatively small dominant group within a large society, which enjoys a privileged status envied by individuals of lower social status." stop wasting your time arguing semantics when there are more important issues out there.
  16. hey, great argument. that's the kind of logic we need leading us around. im sure dr ron paul would agree with you. ron paul is no more of a freedom fighter than George W Bush, his father, and every single president through US history. he isn't there to serve you or I, he's there to reinforce the upper classes total domination of society.
  17. impeccable voting record? according to who? you? i could give a fuck about the constitution of the united states, this is the same country that was founded on genocide and rampant imperialism so excuse me if my faith in the constitution is less than full blown.
  18. impeccable voting record? according to who? you? i could give a fuck about the constitution of the united states, this is the same country that was founded on genocide and imperialism so excuse me if my faith in the constitution is less than full.
  19. i don't believe that anyone is that desperately looking for attention..
  20. you assume i'm uneducated and don't read because i have a differing opinion than your own? perhaps you're the one who's in need of a little book work.
  21. another old, rich, elitist, republican... wow, how truly revolutionary!
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