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Everything posted by scaryletters

  1. I just homebummed San Antone for a month back in November. If you're near the East Yard check out this joint called the Lords Kitchen, they're awesome about letting you wash dishes for *real* good food. Also, the food not bombs kids have a punk house right across from that same yard. The Austin Street feed on Sunday mornings is the single greatest feed i've ever been to, hit it up. Stay away from downtown and riverfront, the bike cops hate dirty kids. San Antonio is awesome though! have fun.
  2. i was pulled off a train outside of vancouver, got deported a few days later. CN and CP run from coast to coast through all the major cities.
  3. stop painting over the registration numbers.
  4. BNSF Z trains running Seattle--->Memphis through Lincoln. When did that happen? This is top on my list of upcoming rides if it's true.
  5. Ironic coming from somebody who spread that video around in the first place and then wouldn't stop asking questions that weren't any of his business. Something about the way you conduct yourself makes me highly suspicious of you. Then again, this is the internet, maybe you're a swell guy in real life I don't know. I guess I don't care. This thread is fine as long as those who use it employ common sense. That's easier said than done apparently.
  6. Are you serious? She's a fucking first grader and her parents sent her to her room, that's hardly out of the ordinary. That's some strange shit though, kids these days..
  7. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you tramp? if not, shut the fuck up already, nobody is going to give you that information so stop trying.
  8. Illegal? I don't think anybody gives a shit about the legality of the thing, train hopping is illegal to begin with. And no, it's not the beginning of the end, but it's bad news and anybody who knows will say the same thing. If she googled it she should have known better than to put the damn thing online, fuck this bitch. and like the dude above said, who cares who train doc is. if he wanted that information spread around he could easily do it himself. bump joey though, miss you kid.
  9. it doesnt matter how accurate it is. the cc being online means more kids in the yards who shouldn't be, more blown up spots, and more heat on everyone else. it's also a simple matter of respect for doc's wish's to have it kept underground, that in itself should be reason enough.
  10. I don't get it, is she a traveler or what? If somebody is really intent on putting that shit out here theres not a lot anybody can do to stop her, it's the internet. if she's known on the road, i'd call her out by name and let her deal with the consequences. if not, i'd ignore it. the 2006 crew change has been available online for at least a year now cuz of some goober...it's bullshit and the reason train doc won't be putting that shit out anymore.
  11. I think it's a pretty cool idea actually. I don't like those canvas' personally, but what's the problem with putting them out there? it's something people aren't used to seeing, and that can only be a good thing also, a gallery owner up in portland did the same thing and ended up getting in a pretty good deal of shit for it.
  12. I know this is old but...are you serious you fucking moron? it's a fucking glossary you dumbshit, not a list of yards and spots.
  13. i'd ride ns from oliver yard. i rode from there to Linwood, NC a couple years back. I'm pretty sure ns runs a line from nola all the way through allentown, pa...with a c-c in lynchburg va. if one train can get you that close to richmond, i'd take it.
  14. that's a squatters sign dude..
  15. ^right on both counts. i use a combo of the two for thin lines.
  16. Something I painted I thought you guys would dig on.
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