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Everything posted by scaryletters

  1. fuck you. im not a kid im a grown fucking man, probably with some years on you. stay out of my fucking business and shut your mouth around people you don't know.
  2. oh no! not that! do anything, but please don't ruin my internet reputation!
  3. i saw this girl outside mcdonalds downtown and she seemed to be making a grip of money. saying that every kid on the street has a mommy and daddy to go back to is pretty naive though. some do, some don't.
  4. you didn't catch that episode? don't worry, im sure you can catch up on what you've missed in the last 24 hours at breeze block.
  5. bump this. rash is getting better, keep at it.
  6. im sorry old man, this seat is yours..
  7. that so? it's a shitty piece anyone can see that, im sure hitop can take crits of his work better than his fans can. so hush your mouth and keep busy with your life of online streetfights.
  8. behind the swingsets after lunch.
  9. ^fuck the doll, look at that first hitop! that's some real ugly shit! diss rashy but he's a young buck, dumb stuff like that comes with the territory. *and bump a wild pdx fourth. icky icky icky steeze, yall do it right up here.
  10. bitchin spot, but thats one of the worst outline/fill color combinations i've ever seen.
  11. dug out an old blackbook this week.. THL high lyfe familia
  12. ckos, raer, and joins burn everything.
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