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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. funkandjazz ftw. I put one of those books on hold but I never officially ordered it.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Gabe1, Good to hear your doing well! (: I've been alright, busy getting the school year done with. Then it's back to work. I'll talk to you when I catch you on aim! haha -seyer Dear nsmbfan, Don't hate on the krod mandoon. I do think it's a silly show, and it makes little sense. However, it does deliver the lols, and that's what comedy central needs. -MS Dear bboatskiiiee, "you can call me foodaye" :D <3 seysey
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear gabe1, How you been bud?! Long time no talk. -ms14
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear vulcan, Don't do as I do and throw it out the window like I do with my router. -seysey
  5. oh ok. cause my aim is being gay, and i thought no one could see my messages since i got the boot a couple of times. ok im going to bed. goodnight
  6. Uncomfortable beds suck, but if I'm super tired I still pass out. Bboat- are you able to see the IMs I sent to you? I messaged you a bunch of times but I don't think you see them. 12:50 now. I'm finally done with this review shit. Lights out for me now. Goodnight/morning tsp
  7. I been good. Damn chops still didn't send that package out yet? Wasnt that from almost a year ago? hahaha
  8. what up jugz, havent seen you around in a while. how you been?
  9. I don't think it's a problem if you don't want to sleep.
  10. 12:11am. Still a bit early. I got finals in two days. Crunch time.
  11. Annie the boss! And that's one dope rabbit!!
  12. I hate spiders, and it's even worse when you see those on your steering wheel while driving, or while you're in the shower.
  13. False. havent tried it. the person below me is stressed.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear voice, Come back, I'd like to be able to speak with sound again. -MS Dear Finals week, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes. Love, ms.seyer Dear aim, You fucking suck, you cut me off all the time. -seynana
  15. Holy shit ! IOU those two are so cute!!!!
  16. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! bump trigger
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