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rice eyes

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Everything posted by rice eyes

  1. That made little to no sense, and you got butt hurt because I got some free premiumz
  2. Sorry what were we talking about again?
  3. I Have No Tattoos, although I wouldnt mind getting some sleeves some day, but preferably by chopsticks
  4. Same! Not sure what I did to deserve the premiumzz
  5. I did not know you could make easy straight lines using the left right click, props
  6. New thread with even funnier name? I cosign the prophet thing also, I'm gonna work on the top of the 1 also, what happened to the H^^^? it sais Mutos 2011 or something nao
  7. We got hit bad today, I see some 12s plastered on homma, not sure who did it but we dont want to anger them, stick to keeping the 12 alive, its already pretty bad as it is
  8. Get Money Get Paid? For real though I cannot hustle to same my life
  9. I love reading his posts, never had the chance to meet him though, seems like a solid guy I hope to shake your hand one day
  10. Someone go drop a huge 12oz roller over the buff
  11. I hear only the zombies hold the ingrediants to teh krinkz
  12. Casek should track her down via the internets, and post her myspace so we can ridicule her some more
  13. Cosign Plus, whoever said smash is an idiot, this chick is a total swamp donkey
  14. If anyone is bored enough to read this entire thing, a full two hundred something page guide on how to survive a zomby attack http://fliiby.com/file/12221/zrm7b0ir5i.html
  15. where's this "MT" that everyone talks about and what does it stang for?
  16. Re: DAO, This is for you. Man yells obcenity at police dog, gets arrested for animal cruel I didn't know whales could fit in cop cars
  17. I was gonna go to korea this summer, was pumped to skate there but I ended up doing other things
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