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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Could be that one state is surging at a higher rate than the other two oldish data, not updated since 5:30 last night. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#compare-trends_newcases Or it could be that it was predicted that TX would surpass CA and now it’s happening so it’s being reported A one month old chart, 10/15 https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Charts-show-how-coronavirus-cases-in-Bay-Area-15649129.php Idk
  2. Your data might be old @misteraven Also from yahoo, posted at 6:20 AM today, 11/11: Texas’s Covid-19 caseload topped one million as the second most-populous U.S. state contends with some of the worst local outbreaks of the pandemic’s latest wave. Texas cases reached 1,010,364, according to Johns Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center. The Lone Star state has surpassed California’s tally, despite having just three-fourths the population. Almost 20,000 Texans have perished from the virus and the positivity rate is 10.55, Johns Hopkins said on Wednesday. https://www.google.com/amp/s/ca.finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/texas-covid-19-cases-top-142023572.html


    https://www.opb.org/article/2020/10/12/measure-26-217-portland-oregon-police-oversight/ What it does If approved by voters, the measure will amend the city charter to establish an independent police oversight board with members approved by the City Council. Members would wield a significant amount of power. The board would have the authority to discipline and fire police officers — a power currently reserved for the police commissioner. They would have a guaranteed budget of no less than 5% of the police bureau’s budget, which this fiscal year would have been $11 million. That’s compared to the current Independent Police Review board’s $2.8 million budget. And they would function independently of any government official. The new oversight board would have the power to investigate all deaths in custody, uses of deadly force, complaints of force causing injury, discrimination against protected classes and constitutional rights violations. The board would also be tasked with making recommendations on police policy and directives that the City Council — and not the police bureau — would get the final say on implementing. What types of policy the independent board could recommend has not been defined. The board would also have the power to subpoena documents and compel statements from police officers during investigations. The measure says board members should have diverse backgrounds, including lived experience with systemic racism, mental illness and addiction. It specifically prohibits current or former police officers — or anyone in their immediate families — from serving on the board. The proposed changes would mean the end of the Independent Police Review, a city agency that investigates complaints made against police. Many have criticized the agency for lacking the power to hold police accountable. Another major critique of the current system is that Independent Police Review investigations are often confidential. Disciplinary decisions are left up to the police chief and police commissioner — a post currently filled by Mayor Ted Wheeler. Those decisions can be overturned by an arbitrator if the police union appeals. State law shields most of these investigations into police misconduct from being disclosed to the public. So while Hardesty has promised a more effective and transparent form of oversight than what the Independent Police Review offers, it will require changes to state law and within the union contract to become a reality. ••• https://www.opb.org/article/2020/11/06/portland-police-oversight-union-challenge/ In the grievance, which was sent to Deputy Police Chief Chris Davis by newly elected PPA president Brian Hunzeker, the officer’s union is requesting the city cease implementing changes to oversight and discipline without first coming to an agreement. Voters approved the measure following months of racial justice protests in the city where police have used significant force to break up demonstrations. Many complaints about officer conduct at those protests are currently under review. In a statement Thursday night, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who narrowly won a second term in office this week, said the measure reflects the will of the people. “The City will actively defend the voters' decision and comply with the Charter Amendment to meet any bargaining obligations required by law,” Wheeler said. Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who fought to get the measure on the ballot, acknowledged that to fully realize her goal of transparent and effective police oversight, state laws and the union contract will both have to be changed. “We must change the arbitration rules in Salem so that it will allow for the community oversight board’s decisions to be final,” Hardesty said, hours after the measure passed. “It puts us in an excellent position on Jan. 17 when we start negotiating the new Portland Police Association contract.” ••• police union will never agree to terms to allow civilian oversight.
  4. I know two people who have had it and recovered. They both said it was absolute hell. Thankfully neither had pre-existing conditions and were able to fully recover. They both received experimental drugs that worked.
  5. B-b-b-beast of a hiker! Lol She is a trooper and I’m still a bit sore from the sand
  6. It was cold and windy with spots of rain. Hit a serious storm on the drive back home
  7. Bad week in TX https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-texas-idUSKBN27P2VY https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-poised-hit-1-million-covid-19-cases-most-nation-n1246783 https://www.stripes.com/news/us/fort-bliss-declares-health-emergency-air-force-medical-teams-deploy-to-el-paso-as-coronavirus-cases-spike-1.651288
  8. The last thing we did was hike THE SLOT. A narrow winding canyon that reminded me of what I’ve seen of Petra in Indiana Jones
  9. Next day we hit the giant metal sculptures in Galleta Meadows. There was a big group of these dune buggy folk there the same day.
  10. Day one we visited Font Point. The approach is a deep sand river bed that needs 4x4 truck. We attempted with the homies 2wd Tacoma and noped the fuck out real quick. Turned in to an 8 mile hike. 4 in / 4 out, in deep soft sand. View was totally worth it though.
  11. The VRBO (Airbnb competition) was great. 2 bed 2 bath house with a yard. The backyard was perfect at night for star gazing with drinks in hand. The north facing wall of the common area was entirely made of sliding glass doors so you got this great view all day long. interior was designed 60s chic
  12. Got together with some friends and left town for the past election weekend. We ended up getting a VRBO a couple hours outside of San Diego in a small desert town named Borrego Springs. The town is in the center of a large state park and reminds me of a less developed Palm Springs. state park map map of town Borrego Springs is a census-designated place(CDP) in San Diego County, California. The population was 3,429 at the 2010 census, up from 2,535 at the 2000 census, made up of both seasonal and year-round residents. Borrego Springs is completely surrounded by Anza-Borrego State Park, the largest California State Park.


    @Elena Delle Donnecheck these welds for cracks. If there is paint, chip it away, don’t sand it off. If you sand it off it’ll be harder to see them. Use a dye in the area of any suspected cracks.


    Likely to keep people from transporting firewood between regions. https://www.kpbs.org/news/2012/nov/29/invasive-beetle-devouring-san-diegos-oak-trees/
  15. TLDR: I allege the board were told to select LeJoy. I allege LeJoy was selected because he has motivation for USPS to fail so his investments boom. I allege Trump told his base not to vote by mail because he was counting on the USPS being rendered so inefficient by LeJoys changes the ballots would never be delivered in time.
  16. God damnit! I had a whole involved reply written out and fuckin lost it with a bad copy/paste. MFer!! will try to rebuild it ... basically my short response is quid pro quo, a favor returned for a favor given. Trump gets LeJoy and his wife jobs (she is now ambassador to Canada), LeJoy performs the job with Trumps motivations driving him. How did Trump get him this job? postmaster general is selected by a board of governors. The board of governors is selected by the president. The board Trump selected has a 4:2 republican advantage. The board hired two firms to determine candidates, neither provided DeJoys name as a recommendation. Why did they select him? I allege they were told to select him. why LeJoy? Why does Trump choose LeJoy? $1.2 million in campaign donations (https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=louis+dejoy). DeJoy also did not receive a formal background check, allegedly. If this background check was performed the multiple conflicts of interests his investments is USPS competitors wouldve been caught. would you put someone in charge of your company with with millions invested in the competition? Would you believe their loyalty would lay with performing a good job and leading your team to success? Seems like their loyalty may lay with their own personal investments to me. I allege LeJoy was selected because he has motivation for USPS to fail so his investments boom. why sabotage the USPS? If you discourage your base from voting by mail this means most mail in ballots will be for your competition. If you sabotage the usps, those ballots won’t make it in time and the only votes that will be counted are the ones made in person, by your base. Wild card here was many states extending the deadline for mail in ballots to be received. I allege Trump told his base not to vote by mail because he was counting on the USPS being rendered so inefficient by LeJoys changes, the ballots would never be delivered in time.
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