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Everything posted by illstate

  1. AOM has been putting it in on the south..
  2. http://pitowner.blogspot.com/2010/09/police-officer-shoots-kills-dog-in.html sad story about a pit being shot by police
  3. dam this spot needs a fuking roof holler at me..lol sick shit right here..
  4. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SMdoubleXL again. thanks and i know what u went thru.. im probably going to go see him in like 2 weeks wen he gets a little settled in.. i talk to the lady who has him now and she says hes having a good time but that wen hes bord he sits in front of the door waiting for me to talk in and gets happy wen it opens but then he sees it aint me.. i know with time he will love the new owners like he loved me..
  5. i get what u guys are saying.. but im still looking for a spot..i know i have acouple months to get some where before she gets real attched to him.. so im hoping for the best my other problem is that some times i work 12 hours a day and its also not fair to him to be locked up inside all day. atleast at home my mom or brother would ake him out.. but nobody would if i live alone..
  6. Watson and swamp.. financially my mom couldn't keep the house anymore. Becuz my dads been out of work for 3 years.. so we thought best idea was to give the house to the bank.. but I couldn't find any place that accepted pitbulls or and afforable spot.. so I found someone from my moms work to kind of foster him till I find something. But if I can't find something soon I know she will get to attched and won't give him bak.. never thought it would be this hard but this all sucks..
  7. found a good home for my dog "duke" today.. it wasnt easy giving him up but im glad i found a great home for him instead of taking him to the shelter.. i wish things could have worked out better and taken him with me to my new home... i will never have a dog like him again.. dam i never thought i would get so attached to a dog but hes more then that for me now hes my best friend.. end rant... dogs truly are mens best friend.. every day i got home he would be so fuking happy to see me.. end rant
  8. illstate


    i wear mostly just black white and grey.. thinking about getting these.. what u guys think about them
  9. can u buy a gun from another state?? the reason im asking is cuz i live in the chicago land area. guns are legal here but there really isnt any gun stores but 30 minutes away in indiana theres lots of guns store so i was wondering if i could buy one in indy and keep it at home. or would the gun store not sell to me cuz i live out of state??
  10. whats with all these g shock watches??? i see niggaz wearing them that probably cant even tell time...
  11. saw a morgan throwy in gangland the one about sex mney murda gang.. not sure what state it was in
  12. All I watch is comedy on tv or movies.. but lately I have watching lots of stand up. Aziz ansari had a good one. The new kevin hart is the shit and mike epps also has good stand up... o yea and joe koy is fuking funny to
  13. that kruel cruel billboard on Pulaski is hurting someone needs to do a fill up there so many tags over tags that u cant even make out who's on top..but both are putting in that work on the streets and lines.. and those emte freights are whats up..
  14. http://www.karmaloop.com/products.aspx?ProductID=87188&VendorCode=LRG&mybuyscid=12360409889
  15. That klout and smore is dope....
  16. illstate


    just copped these.. not really my usual style but i figured i give them a shot for $50 buks
  17. guns arent illegal in illinois just banned in the city of chicago.. u could live across the street from the city and own a gun with no problem.. im sure there would be huge guns shows if there wasnt a ban cuz of the size of the city... but thanks ill take a look
  18. is there any way of finding out if there is going to be any gun conventions in the chicagoland area?? i know they are illegal in the city but not sure if the suburbs will have something like that.. any1 know??
  19. mist milk and knox did the dam thing down 55.. and thats guns is dope..i need a camera cuz there been some nice shit out there
  20. Sitting waiting to get my hair cut.. usually I'm in and out.. not today.. then gym and knock out early cuz I gots a long day 2morrow
  21. so i was thinking of cleaning out my system of all the garbage next week and thinking about only eating fruits and veggies. trying to cut out meats maybe have some fish and chicken.. i cant do those only drink lemonade things.. is this a good idea or will it effect my lifting. i know this aint the food thread but u guys will know what i need to eat. so any ideas on how to prepare the chicken and fish like what oils to use or not use?? any info will help thanks guys this thread is more helpful then any trainer cuz so many people give input.. good looking out
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