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Everything posted by illstate

  1. just get some off flickr and some self promo of me and the homies..
  2. its for flicks of kats who paint metal in all of illinois... not random flicks benched in illinois
  3. Lol..yo live I see u still have nigga gripping ur nuts..lol u must be doing something right...
  4. Anyone know a good website for good hand gun prices.. looking to get a glock but not sure on the specific type or a good price range.. props given for good info..
  5. waste of space.. wtf..sole didn't think so.. wat would u like better condos for the yuppies.. nigga please
  6. Rip.. to the ashland factory off i55 seen a demo team destroying that shit today...
  7. it takes some time.. but I just use the print screen button and paste the image on the paint program. Then crop out everything but the flick and upload it to photobucket.. it drags but its better then not having that flick
  8. Great fliks... this threads really taking off.. I need to go home soon to search for more flicks...
  9. Yes this is where its at just keep this shit on the down low.. don't need all those shit talking peeps from midwest in here to ruin this thread
  10. I'm guess cuz of the warm weather.. iheard guardian angels all over yhe oj last nite to..
  11. Its going to be hard to top that billboard.. hot ass spot..big ass fill.. and not even on some dusty shit.. mad fukin props
  12. Yea I guess... but we need some temper flicks in here to..lol
  13. wheres the ether freight at it aint coming up for me??
  14. im trying to keep this thread going... fee free to post and chi related metal.. just dont want alot of self promo .. not that i care but i just dont want the shit talking to start here like in brick slayers thats y i dont put this thread out there in brickslayers.. but im not able to search for fr8s everyday so if u add it will help grow and show that chicago has alot of metal crushers. so please add pics you have.. and stay safe
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