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Everything posted by pazman

  1. my bestfriend passed away on his 21st birthday on nov 30th. he was in the santa cruz band arsonist get all the girls, there is some kid on myspace talking shit about how he thinks its funny that he died, and all kinds of disrespectful bullshit. so if you guys got a free moment send him a message letting him know what a fucker he is and that you live down the street and are going to kill his little sister. here is his link http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=47652800
  2. http://www.foodoodler.com/cookiepack/#
  3. its used in pre school its non toxic ink, you use it on cookies, cuz it is sweet and you can eat it. it has no use in graffiti i dont know why we talk about it.
  4. pazman


    where have you seen monster in CA
  5. ^^the only reason you wana talk shit is cuz you go ass to mouth.
  6. i did invent the wheel, your welcome.
  7. acenz is a fucking go getter!
  8. haha i bet youd like to catch up with my ass. if you wana talk shit at least give something to a thread, know one cares if you a graffiti groupie and into fads and think something is soooo 2004,the only time something gets played out is when bandwagon jumping pussys like you hope on some thing and do it to death.
  9. ^really do you really want ur post count up enuf to look like an ass? ass!
  10. you act like any one cares what you say
  11. STOP YELLING i have ppl in the next room trying to sleep!!!!
  12. i have that marsh brush, it blows, and is two or three times the size of the markers in that vid,
  13. it looks like just a home made marker to me,like a chalkboard nib in any old body, dusint do anything that cool.
  14. this dude sucks at life, i bet he works at KFC.
  15. get a helio my ocean kicks ass.
  16. yea nothing better to do on a rainy night!!!!
  17. they sent you a free scenekick!! you gotta start re-saleing that shit
  18. i have had those book marker for sooo long, shipping must be so much. but its not tgrade, dont know how good or what ink it is.
  19. uuhh dusint that say sever. and its shitty.
  20. bug sprayer in pleasanton. i bet that wont last past noon. the buff in a matter of hours on that wall that faces 680.
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