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Everything posted by Seph

  1. those things wash your brain and rob your soul
  2. and so i step forth and see what awaits..:rolleyes:
  3. ":lol: edit- wrong thread.. :eek:
  4. No, i havent read the story, but i have to now.. and yea I can help with the little of what I know
  5. Yea i think it was somewhat weak, the guy already was too fucked up mentally
  6. fuck no, im just bored and watching I am legend, (im at the part where they break into his house) but i could be. :lol:
  7. I thought it was worth it, fucking amazing bass quality, Im taking care of em now
  8. DUDE I FUCKING OWN THOSE!!! NO JOKE, i bought extra warranty, and I dont regret it, some fucker sat on em ... got new ones though.. and yes THEY ARE FUCKING SICK!!
  9. Select all folders you want, (CTRL+A) then right click Select=Send To Select=Mail recipient then it will list all your folders, copy and paste that shit... youre set.. btw mine only went up to the M folders, so you might want to check if all the folders are listed, if not just do the folders that are missing.. I think i need more music..
  10. explain more, why would you want to type? and how do you want to send them?
  11. Seph


    I hate when they call me a cheater,
  12. A few racing games, battlefield amongs others, Just an idea, that FX looks good and not as expensive, thanks also which ipod are you installing linux?
  13. also, I was wondering if its worth i getting a 8800 graphics card? I want to get one but dont wanna blow it spending 400. anyone recommend a certain model? PCI-express either that or upgrading to a better cpu, from a pentium 4 /3.2 ghz OC to 3.9 to a Duo core 2.2 ?
  14. I get my shit from http://www.ewiz.com/index.php good pricing and located about 1 hour from where I live, Cali.
  15. http://www.divxtodvd.net/divx-to-dvd.htm edited for content.. :lol:
  16. Some work in progress, and yea i know what you mean optick, my letters are weak I tried doing some tech shit with em but i guess they failed :o . The eye on this one is out of proportion, :lol:
  17. well fuck it, its 2 am am going to sleep and dream with naked chicks
  18. hahaha, well theyre not completely dark, I mean everyone who stays up late gets em, i forgot the term for it, cant think of it now..:huh:
  19. I just hate having those bags under my eyes all black and shit....
  20. is staying up late considered insomniac, and does it have a negative effect on the reproductive system, (male). hahaha... stupid questions heh?
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