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Everything posted by Seph

  1. Acrylics, the thing is huge... working on other shit, just been busy with work and school. Hoping I get the next one done by the end of this month. I got more pics if anyone cares...
  2. Seph


    my shit is wack, practice needed
  3. Vote goes to optick, Neber had potential but the u does look like an o and the y looks like another o with an arrow at the bottom, scrop had potential as well, but looks like he could have done it more cleanly, 666 that character battle is fresh, ill be entering for sure
  4. hahahahaha, you show em EBA
  5. no entrees?.. were all the writters at?
  6. lol?.. had to rush that last battle, cuz of work and time... but uhh... kinda lame that no one else entered... Edogg all the way..
  7. http://www.worldtimezone.com/time-usa2.htm
  8. we do have a current piece ... battle..
  9. yea, i have a rough sketch just need to color it and add a background.. :D
  10. two last ones are fire, that alert one is the best though with all those cracks
  11. im down for the construct battle, if time is extended, been busy with work and other shit... :o oh and heres a better pic
  12. I uhh.. took a pic of it right now, so the quality sucks, but i will try to take a diff one during the day because its not showing the blue outline.. :D
  13. ahh, fucking sweet!! thanks Q..
  14. lol, yea im here too late again, my bad, well heres the flick, and my vote goes to alertz
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