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Everything posted by Seven-30

  1. Having a hard time getting fit in with JK5. Anyone have any recommendations for an artist who is great at script in the NYC area?
  2. Hey everyone. I've been putting thought into getting a Japanese back piece. I live in the tri state area. I looked into Chris O'donnel but was just curious if there were any other options. Money isn't much of an issue since I planning on saving up. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Thanks for the response Seeking. I'm gonna check her out.
  4. So I've been trying to come up with some good concepts for inner arm for my next session with Thomas Hooper. Which probably won't be until the end of this year. But Ive really been in the mood to get tattooed,so I want to get something small in script in the meantime. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good script artist in the NYC area?
  5. aalmonte2@gmail.com Can a brotha get an invite?
  6. Never mind. I used to website you showed me and a figured it out from there. Thank you!
  7. Well I used to put a dvd in and use handbrake to convert to like an Mp4 for an example. That way I could put it in my library of movies (I'm basically trying to have a folder with all of my movies, whether its coming from the dvds I already have or from torrents). I normally use Quicktime player. When I get the subs, how exactly do I them onto the movie once I have. I strongly apologize if any of this is coming off retarted.lol
  8. Hey, I use a Macbook Pro with an External hd. I've been trying to move my whole movie collection onto my HD. I use to use handbrake but now when I try and use it it keeps telling me I have to use VLC. Should I trust that its not a virus? Also, I watch a lot of foreign films and when I use to upload them with handbrake in the past or from torrents I never get the subtitles. I've read that when you get them from torrents the subtitles come included, but I'm totally not good at this stuff so I don't even know how I would go about doing so. Is anyone on here a movie buff and uses a mac and has a simpler way or shortcuts on uploading movies/with subtitles?
  9. I liked Enter The Void, but that shit was definitely too long. Irreversible is where its at.
  10. Seven-30


    I quit for 7 months, then I went to Paris for vacation.
  11. Don't know if this has been posted yet.
  12. Yeah, I just took all of the icons and pushed them onto the next page.
  13. 5fingermiscount-link to that background?
  14. i love the beach boys, "Pet sounds" is one of my favorite albums.
  15. I'm going to Paris in August. I hope to snatch me something like this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgqNKQr8ZTQ <3333
  16. Never mind http://www.espnmediazone3.com/us/2010/01/espn-inc-2010-fifa-world-cup-schedule/
  17. I just started getting into soccer, how do you guys watch the games? The internets?
  18. Don't know if this is a repost, but I finally seen this. Disturbing but so good.
  19. Caught one of my ugly drunk tags on page one. Good flicks btw. P.S What camera you use?
  20. Hey, I'm looking to invest in a new camera. I was going for the Canon EOS 5D, but I honestly don't think I'm up to the level to handle a camera like that. I'm looking for a point and shoot that takes really clean crisp pictures. I'm currently checking out the Canon s80 and was wondering if anyone had experience with this camera or could recommend anything better.
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