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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. :five-o::five-o::five-o::five-o::five-o: And Shade is only tough enough to talk shit anonymously online. Wont pick up his phone and do a meet and greet when Im in Raleigh.
  2. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** 1. music 2. purple 3. animal 4. awful 5. three 6. abandoned 7. something new 8. shadow 9. night 10. the devil 11. paint 12. sculpture bonus *perveract **something channel zero related
  3. 98 with an index of 110. So we went climbing. 4eva The "Im hot, fuck you, over this, give me my fucking gatorade asshole, stop stoping and taking pics every 5 minutes" face. Bear cave. The wall... ... the top.
  4. WELCOME BACK TO CAWFEE TAWK. Yall need to shut up. Best I could get. Slept on the spot. lol
  5. awesome shit. we got a river we tube erry now and then. fun stuff.
  6. You gotta go to Conway homie.
  7. Good thing I turn 18 in a few days.
  8. That last one is amazing! I spent my evening fucking around with colored lighting and white balancing.
  9. FRILL TripleSoup was contributing. Just cuz its not the normal shit in here yall bug. But with due cause. Trip, next time do pics from wake up til upload time. If you cant take pics of certain shit (your job) then find a way to include it. Flick up your parking pass on your bike or something. You like your coffee black? Or with cream? Take a pic homie. This is one of the best threads on 12oz and its awesome to have more people contribute. So keep adding pics, the more the better, and ignore the bullshit. Same with Kirby. Go argue about how the pass arounds pussy smells or some shit or domesticated narwhales. AND ITS A FUCKING KIRBY. <(0.o)> FUCK
  10. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** Stoked for the next list. Jbrish killed this.
  11. Our two top exports. Well played. 7-13 Thanks for the mixtapes, asshole. Speed metal. Passed down a lot of old flicks to me today. Handsome. 101% ACAB HWDP My chitty. Dylon Dylon Dylon Dylon Dylon VHS like its 1997. SHARK WEEK!
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