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Posts posted by c-walk

  1. so i'm feelin a little weird today... i fell asleep at about 4 last night woke up at 7 to go to work. usually this is a normal thing for me when i actually do work so its no biggie, but today i fell asleep while driving to work but the thing is i work like 3 minutes away so i think that might be a problem...



    shit freaked me out cause i did it last night after dropping some stuff off at my apartment from my moms house, started dosing off while driving and next thing i know i got people blowin their horns at me and i'm ridin on the rumble strip

  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Random,


    she (i think) has my wallet...


    and she also plays keyboard in the band i am in, even though this is the first time i've ever met her.


    - hatemylifefortheweekend

  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear BF,


    you sure about those migas?


    for one i have no idea what the hell that is and second Peach Snapple before i pass out is my hangover cure... drink half right before you're out, then the other half when you wake up cause you cant breathe and your mouth is dry.


    ~ duder who cant think of another nappy name for himself AKA sadass

  4. 132.jpg



    kind of a stupid question cause i really feel like i know the answer but what is under this hek (stupid questions i know but i'm getting to the other part) and does someone have a flick of it?

  5. quick question for all you photography heads on here... i'm tryin to get my mom a nice present for christmas and she's really into photography. she has a canon digital rebel xt and she takes alot of outdoors full color photos...



    i was thinking of getting her a polarizing lens filter, good idea? bad idea? any other nice filters that might enhance colors for outdoor shooting? or any other cool filters for an amateur photographer.


    hit me in a PM please, i need to get this done soon since christmas is right around the corner

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