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Posts posted by c-walk

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear old high school friends,


    been a minute since i've hung out with you guys...

    although i hated it the first few times,

    i'm kinda pissed you're all going back to school so far away



    - C "i go to school 45 minutes from home" walk

  2. i would have kinda figured it would be more known or something... i knew of the dude but i didnt hear anything about when he passed. had no idea. i dont think that was very much common knowledge

  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear C-walk,


    but hes 15 or 16 and is named kevin..


    but dude is "in a gang"






    Dear Tails,


    15, 16 eh?


    he'll get his dont you worry about it man.

    worry about your girl and her being around him.

    look out for her and dont stress this fool.

    kids got a lot of growing up to do

    and from what i can tell it will be coming

    very soon. aint worth your time to stress this kid.

    worry about your girl.




  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Tails,


    sit 'er down and let her know you are genuinely concerned.

    then coax the name of this fuckwad out her her.

    then proceed to beat his head in with a tire iron.


    seriously, just let her know you really do care about her

    and dont want her to be worried about this fool.


    - Serious Walk

  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Life,


    you're being pretty fucking awesome right now.

    don't know what gives to be perfectly honest.

    hope this keeps up cause i've been in a shitty mood lately.

    good friends, good beer, and cute girls = awesome


    hope you dont shit on me anytime soon!


    - Walk

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