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Posts posted by c-walk

  1. as far as a silver ink that can flow through a valve marker, you're kinda limited. you can get grog but eh, and i know at a lot of art type stores like Michaels or Pat Catans you can find some silver inks but thats as much as i could think of off the top of my head...


    i wouldnt try thinning rusto down to the point that it would work cause it might be too thin

  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear catface and to other whom it may concern,


    i dont know where you live and what your local laws are but i know in certain states and certain situations you can do a thing called trial by letter (or maybe its trial by declaration i cant remember) but its where you basically go to court through a serious of letters to the judge and the chances of the officer taking the time to reply by letter is slim. and it also helps your chances if you put it off as long as possible with delays and whatnot. thats what my lawyer told me to do in the future...



  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Random,


    do you have some sort of animal fetish?

    do you maybe want to hold hands with dogs?





    P.S. i'm kidding but i still dont get what you're talking about

  4. i feel like there should be some type of habitual agreement that you have to read the first 10 pages of a sticky thread before you can post in it... maybe like take a test on the info so you wont clog this sit up with nonsensical bullshit.


    i dont even fuck with etch and i know you dont put the cream in a free flowing marker... think about it fucktard, it's cream. something about cream and free flowing doesnt go well together huh?

  5. Okay so I went to vns and got a kiwi shoe polish thingy and when I got home I emptied out the stuff in it and I filled it up with silver paint and I added brake fluide to it but when I do it, it comes out streaky and when I make it drip the drips seem to be a different shade of color and doesent dry as well as when it doesent drip.

    Did I add to much brake fluide?


    you're lucky i've been in a damn good mood lately, but seriously son read a little it goes a long way.


    alright you thinned paint with brake fluid, which doesnt actually thin the paint it just "waters" it down for lack of better words. paint thinner thins paint hence the name... use that. you can add brake fluid but not too much because it makes drying time longer. <<<<being the reason why it doesnt dry that well...

  6. not big on shoe dye right now lol wont that turn my shit more pink lol


    here i posted this like 3 pages back, i know you looked but you must have just skimmed it... its whatever



    it's just pen ink from some shitty 50 cents package of 10 pens... 40 pens to a half cup of 91% isopropyl alcohol let it sit then add some dot 3 and then a full bottle of kwiki shoe whitener... i used a full bottle of the kwiki with a full cup of the ink, it ends up being a little thicker than ink so it has to be in a mop so it can be free flowing


    thats not really helping your problem with making it more red but just use that as a recipe for red ink

  7. man maybe its cause i've been drinking a lot tonight but i'm gettin real sick of this back and forth bullshit... why cant ya'll just go paint do what you do and give props where its needed. if you dont like something then thats fine dont like it but there is no need to throw a fucking shit fit about it on this god damn forum...



    not trying to take anyones side cause i've seen a lot good work coming from both sides of your guys arguments

  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Dr. Cali,


    i'm on that previcid note so the acid reflux is under control... for the most part.

    but man if i forget that pill in the morning i tend to cough up blood after spicy food...


    - C-Walk (slowly dying)

  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    dear cali,


    i know my stomach is mad fucked

    ontop of it i got acid reflux and IBS...

    and shit i'm missing 3 feet of my intestines.


    - C_CrazyDigestionalProblems_Walk

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