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Posts posted by c-walk

  1. bahama drama... anyways some of those flicks are real nice, good post


    and to bojangles: if she looks anything like the shit she paints then no i wouldnt but then again i'm always down for a solid rimjob:huh:

  2. i dont come in this thread that often but god damn... i see some shit posted up in here that makes my eyes hurt. i know i'm just reinventing the wheel here but the BEST advice is go simple. Block letters are easy and you wont have to go through all the shit that everyone is going to give you. Work on simples and when you get that down work on making those letters your own and developing your own style. The way you bend the legs of letters or the angle that they are on. Dont post something up in here with extentions coming all out of god knows where and expect people to think you are awsome. Simple is key..


    my $0.02

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