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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Need a good interior or rooftop. I'm learning though, discovered rotating the focal plane into the photo today.
  2. Worth the bump, this page should kill.
  3. Last Night: I'm in this one if you look close^ Fin.
  4. Dope photo's as usual, catching birds like that in the pic is all ways nice. Moving to a totally new city is good for the creative juices, hope you take advantage and shoot more now while it's all new I'm considering a move to the other end of my country now that I'm not tied down to the ex. Right now I'm moving out the door with the camera though.
  5. Yea, pissed I didn't have my camera on me last night. Hope the fogs back tonight, I'll wont get caught slippin again.
  6. NYC tourguide duty today, too bad the weather sucks or I'd have better pics: More tonight.
  7. Europussy is just as intimidating and repulsive to Spitfire, let that ginger stay home and wank.
  8. You gonna order a "royal" with cheese?
  9. That reminds me, I have to get my bike working again. I'm missing out on some epic cycling days.
  10. So that's why I'm winning so easily. I kid, I kid:lol:
  11. So what makes you an expert? I know I'm generalizing all models and all fashion photography, I'm sure there are exceptions. I just think if you have talent as an artist, you should be focusing on improving the world and communicating deeper thoughts than "buy this, it's cool". Photographers fall into the artist category in my book, why focus on wasting your short time here as a lowly salesperson. Don't try to call me out on some 2nd grade "what were their names" trying to see if I'm lying. My credibility speaks for itself, even if I was lying I'd be slick enough to beat your obvious lying test without dropping names of my friends friends on here.
  12. Dude, I live in NYC, models are a dime a dozen here, so are fashion photographers. Met two Japanese models last weekend and their friend who didn't model was hotter. Oh, Ive got friends who shoot fashion and assist, $1000-$6000 a day sounds good but if you factor in expenses and they don't work consistently then yes, I do make more than most of them. I know of three people now going belly up because of the economy looking for 9 to 5's Tootsie, I'm not talking out my ass, I know models that have made the cover before, my friend Scott dated one for two years, she was only a nice penis ornament in his own words after they broke up, my opinion of her was even lower.
  13. Yes models suck, every model I've met is retarded in one way or another or they would find something to do that requires a brain, Strippers are the same thing just slightly less annoying when they pretend they had a thought. I don't see why dudes get all gaga over them when there are much hotter chicks out there that are less annoying and coked out. As far as money goes, who cares? I'm banking more than your average "pro"tographer on some blue collar technical shit. Money means nothing, using your skills to communicate, express, improve the world is what I'm into. I see some meaningless studio shot, I'll forget it in 2 seconds. I see a shot of real life beauty it affects me forever.
  14. I'd rather look at interesting people, ugly people, smart people, real people. IMO Fuck fashistion photograph$.
  15. The newer point and shoots rule, some of them take better quality shots than SLR's from a couple years ago and you can even shoot Raw files on the nicer ones. *On a semi related note Nikon Released an SLR camera for under $800 that is getting great reviews. It also shoot 720p video/audio, dope considering you can use most interchangeable Nikkor lenses for nice effects and DOF control. Nikon D5000
  16. Nikon D700, the real deal TS & rotate lens, probably the best one out right now, so I've been told. Cannon probably makes one just as good I'm sure though. I'm still a noob to SLR's, up till 4 months ago I was abusing a pocket camera daily.
  17. Is she hot? I'm in North Woodside close to Astoria/Steinway.
  18. I'm tired of typing, I'll let these do the talking, thousand words a piece I heard:
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