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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I'm going to have to drop one in here from today, this thread still rules.
  2. I'd go with a higher end point and shoot to start with, some of them have all the manual settings available. The price is right and these days the point and shoots kick ass and really for all around shooting. P&S work for learning composition and exposure, and the image quality is really good on the newer ones in case you do get great shots. Having a dope expensive SLR camera helps somewhat, but it's never turd polish.
  3. I wanted to quote the entire post but these were all fire, a step up (taking a step down in exposure) from a few weeks back IMO. not that the old ones weren't straight either.
  4. I said "don't look like a pussy" to both of them.
  5. I forgot to say my friend Chris took the last photo I posted. I set up F1.8 ISO1600 and .8 second speed but he lined it up, timed and took it.
  6. Kind of, just trying to look at it more like art, not textbook photography. I'm not experienced enough to pull off what I want to pull off but I'm practicing. Most people will think they "suck" even worse than my blurred out tilt shift stuff but I like them.
  7. Thats honestly the first time I've taken any shot where you can even see stars. I used my flash about 15 times in that pic and you can see it just above the right of the blue tarp. I thought I made sure I didn't fuck up using the LCD on the camera but oh well, still like that pic though.
  8. Tried shooting country boy style YeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHOW!
  9. Damn Suki, I'm going to Seoul for a week around thanksgiving time. It would have been cool to meet up and party over there.
  10. Yea, barbers who sell dope kicks and gear are pretty fresh, walk in with busted kicks and hair woofin, and walk out faded up with good shoes. I should force some of my suburban or country folk type friends into a place like that when they come visit from out of town. I can't take them anywhere. :lol:
  11. It's confusing to me then, the one thing that beats photo's hands down about man made art is a good artist portrays "how things should look" not how they do look. Like when I see a photo realistic painting I like, by someone I don't know, I always look for stuff like the hands. A good artist knows how to render a hand in any position, an artist who just copies a photo will always suck at rendering something as complex as a hand. Hard to explain but when you draw from an actual live figure (if you have skill) it will always come off more realistic than drawing from a photo. When I look at his paintings I assumed it was a stencil, just because of the details in them. Take hear no evils nose, that's how a photo would look, an artist should do the shadows on her nose to look even more real than the photo. Destination unknown has even more problems like that, with almost every line. Dude should do good though depending on his persona and presentation and other factors. That vectorish look is actually the in thing right now and sells like hotcakes in the "urban art" type collectors scene. Again, it's not a diss, just one semi drunk mans opinion on the internet. *I've tried to edit out all bad grammer and spelling.
  12. Those are the first two colab's with that stencil artist that I kinda like. It's still not as good as one of your straight up Abrstacs. should be twice as nice though. Not to diss you're boy, but his stencils don't really have the right flow to them to really work well with your style. They seem way too "photo vectorish" or just straight up too much like the original photo's to work with it. Maybe if he used a more artistic style on the lines he cut and less computer I could see it working nice. Don't get me wrong though, I'm a big fan of a well done stencil myself, but those could be done by pretty much anyone. Sounds kinda harsh like that but it's the only way I could explain it.
  13. I'm starting to get the feeling krok is posting other peoples photo's.
  14. @ Loosingmymind, I had the same problem when using lightroom to open & edit raw files (.NEF). Not sure what you are using to open the raw files or what setting you use when you shoot them. I found that when I shoot 14 bit color raw files and just use bridge to browse and PS's camera raw for any editing/opening in photoshop it works out fine. If I use lightroom on 14bit files it looses all the color pop and cannot be recovered after creating the jpeg. Never found a way to fix that so I just use camera raw for all my raw editing/converting. If you are using camera raw and still have the problem I'm not sure how to fix it.
  15. I don't have any experience but I'm looking into it also. The consensus from people I've asked "in the know" is Mamiya is a solid camera. Bump those Philly pic's, keep posting.
  16. Even worse, bangin out granny and no loot for a real gold chain. :lol:
  17. ^^Haven't been to their new Stadium yet, need to check it out though. *Haha, @ that kid gmilfin with the rope chain
  18. I see a unsatisfied face with the chicken head, above a heart. Like the dude is thinking of breaking up with his girl, but too scared.
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