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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. $2000 on a tilt shift, hasn't made me a dime back yet but still glad I bought it. That really isn't much considering there are people who drop way more loot on equipment.
  2. Kit lenses are a waste of money IMO, glass never gets outdated or wears out like a camera body does. If the low quality of a kit lens doesn't bother you, you might as well just cop a high end point and shoot. Get something good now, not expensive, but good, that shit will last you forever most of the time. I've got about $3000 in lenses now and my 50mm f1.8 is my favorite, and only cast $120.
  3. I agree, they just look sloppy for the sake of looking sloppy and communicate nothing to me. If you're going to look sloppy you better have some serious fucking style if you expect to pull it off. The colors and layout should be saying something but it's like a baby making noises that almost sound like words. Yea, there's something there, but I can't see/hear shit. The closest to something "good" is the paper squares because of the craftsmanship. Still, those colors next to one another appear to me to be placed in gibberish talk for pure aesthetics. Art is subjective though, to each his own, but those do nothing for me. I'd like to hear what you like about those though, and don't consider my opinion anything more than my opinion. We need something to save this page now after those and that guido Ed Hardy shit.
  4. You may find this shocking but the "red eye" is caused by the bright light from the cameras flash reflecting from inside the eye on the coating behind you're rods and cones. Most animals with better night vision than ours have more reflection and there's less loose blood vessels blocking the reflection. I agree with the cruel part 100% since most pets are either neglected, essentially locked up and left alone regularly, or abused in one way or another. But not all of them are and I'm sure some live happy lives with their owners. Also, humans don't go to heaven either.
  5. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night ...and liked what you saw and read enough to post it.
  6. This thread is pure lolz, holy shit.:lol:
  7. Obviously it's someone getting helped over a fence. Bumping the same photo from last November twice in a row then dropping some 4chan.gif in this thread is just bad form.
  8. Eat beans until you get gassy, acrylic paint enema, fart splatter on canvas. 3x8 When the press learns of this rich people will take you and you're work very $eriously.
  9. That orange cast or yellowish look to night shots is because that's how it actually looks. Your eyes adjust to it naturally, so in person it seems like it's not that yellow, it's caused by the light source. It's cheaper to cast a yellowish/orangish light from a light bulb than the full spectrum of white so thats what they use. The worst part is yellow lights wave length is so narrow it makes things look softer or fuzzier. White balance is how you fix that on a digi, it tells the sensor to record more of the blue and less yellow. There are specific color temperature setting on nicer digi's but almost all digi's have the tungsten setting that looks like a light bulb graphic. Also, editing can fix that if you shoot raw, just change the temperature toward the blue and away from the yellow. It discards the warmer yellowish light and amplifies cooler colors. If you notice, the areas with actual white light appear blue while everything else is "normal" looking. Just amplifying a different wavelength to make these shots look like how you see them in person, not how they actually look. The lowering of the soft yellowish light also makes them crisper.
  10. That Black and white shot is so fucking dope.
  11. I'm still mad jealous and angry, your internet acting up makes me feel a little better though.:D
  12. We're all very happy for you, good thing that pic is huge.
  13. No real help here, I have the same problem myself. I have enough ram to open about 35 .nef's at a time and just use automation to save them as Tiff or Jpegs. I can only open them using camera raw at first, then photoshop, the automation requires a manual "open files" command in raw. Speaking of 14bit NEF's, when I try to use lightroom to open them, 14 bit color files come out looking like shit after they're saved in PS so I never use lightroom. I'm stuck using bridge to browse and open which is fine because I need the batch rename command bridge.
  14. I agree with complex, the subject and background need at least some interaction.
  15. Mercer


    I'd rather run ball in a pair of work boots than worry about changing the neon battery in them shits every 5 minutes. Walking around looking like a stoner college kid's favorite black light poster.
  16. Pearl Paint does have an elevator, it's all the way in the back and to the left. (looks like employee only area but it's open) The elevator looks like a door thats locked kinda like a project elevator, look for the button.
  17. Hell Yea, bump Danny Divito, dude is super cool IRL. Shoot through in this storm Jibz, mad cheap beer tonight in Soho.
  18. I'd rather take my chances at a slot machine than one of those. They probably take in $10 for every $1 it spits out.
  19. Mercer


    New balance getting in on the ugly as fuck trend a little late. The rainbow brite look is in decline finally.
  20. I couldn't get any of them to actually spit rhymes when I shot these except for one of them. After school Hip Hop program in Brooklyn run by the dude in the middle of the group shot. Very smart talented kids, I was impressed with the entire operation to say the least.
  21. Mihn was looking for a potential Market on 12oz.
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