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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Personally haven't tried any of those, but use the cell phone as a distraction move. I've used bottles to piss into but never a cup like that, my bladder would overflow that for sure. Had a coworker tell me a story, he was pissing into a bottle in the corner of an almost empty subway station when he felt someone come up behind him a little too close for comfort. Stopped pissing, tucked his shit away and turned around, it was a cop. Surprisingly, the cop said if he didn't piss into a bottle, and would have just pissed on the floor like the cop initially thought he was doing, he would have got a ticket,. Since he was being somewhat sanitary, the cop gave him a pass. Since hearing this I'll use this method whenever possible. Using a bottle also masks the sound. I've gotten good at using my open car door as a piss blind. If it's crowded I'll take a bottle/cup out of the car and pretend to be looking for something inside the cup, visibly pouring it's liquid contents out, even if it's empty to visually mask the sound of me pissing to passersby. Problem is you get splash back on the kicks unless you're curbside standing on the curb, so it helps if you've got work boots while doing this on the drivers side.
  2. Living in a crowded city where everyone locks the bathroom, I've developed a sort of skill for pissing in public. This one video had some good ideas.
  3. I'm an anarcho-capitalist, or to be more exact an Agorist, which is an ancarcho-capitalists actively fighting the state through counter economic measures. It's an obscure movement (or was until bitcoin became popular) founded by the economists/authors I mentioned, minus Sowell who's not from the Austrian School. We takes the founding father's "minarchist" approach to limiting government power by using a constitution with words "shall not infringe" for future generations to ignore a step further, to an "anarchist" or zero need for any minimal government philosophy. We still believe in courts, respecting peoples private property rights, security, roads, but most importantly all humans taking part in zero involuntary interactions, so everything is funded privately, and by choice. We think all forms of violence/coercion that aren't purely defensive in nature are invalid (war, enforcing victimless crime laws etc.). Thus, we will always be against systems that strip even more freedom away from the individual, like Socialism, National Socialism, and Communism. Go in the direction of libertarian right on the political spectrum, and keep going further until your not in the spectrum anymore, that's where we're lurking.
  4. Like asking which titty I prefer. Left or right? lol All seriousness I wouldn't be the best person to know the dope spots tourists dig for NY Pizza, I'm all about basically 2 neighborhood mom and pop shops in Queens that nobody outside of my neighborhood would travel out here for. As far as what's in the city, I'd suggest Artichoke Pizza for sure (The one on 14th St.) either the Margarita, or the Artichoke slice for sure. Go for the crab slice if you're brave enough, if it's made right it's worth the risk.
  5. News stories saying pork is really good for you now. lol total nonsense. Delicious yes, good for you, probably not.
  6. I read someplace there isn't a single person in law enforcement that agrees with every law they have to enforce, but that doesn't stop them from enforcing those rules for money. Imagine, committing acts of kidnapping, violence, extortion, and in some cases even murder for a paycheck, all the time knowing it's wrong.
  7. It's all about technique, gotta hit them quiet angles, disregard the soap disintegration trap.
  8. This atrocity should carry the death penalty.
  9. That's so true though, if you're in a 3 urinal bathroom use the urinal on either side. Middle urinal runs the highest risk of mutual urine splash-back should player two enter.
  10. I hear you, I'm a fast typer and just have a taste for debate, and written exchange like that which isn't for everybody understandably. Mostly reading Murray N Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises, Samual Edward Koklin III, and Thomas Sowell.
  11. That's how I listen to music IRL anyways. Sometimes I'll find something I like, and listen to it on repeat almost, until I can't stand it anymore then move on.
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