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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. 674DBE77-7D84-4865-B7AE-621284D71894.mov
  2. Originally, I tried to make this about easy ways to browse without having all of your data collected by google/facebook/etc. Basically explained how easily you can be identified, and targeted. The thread seemed to drift into some more extreme measures, and I might need to bring it back down to earth and on track again. We basically discussed dumping google chrome for desktop, and not having facebook, and other intrusive apps installed on your every day phone. I suggested people use a privacy focused desktop/mobile browser like Brave: https://brave.com/ I think Raven also suggested Aloha for iPhone https://alohabrowser.com/ TOR is what you use when you don't want anyone to know what you're looking at/posting, you need to read up on best use practices before thinking you're invincible. https://www.torproject.org/ Brave comes with TOR built in, you just open a TOR tab when you want to go 100% incognito. All of these options are free, and user friendly so far, we also suggested people use VPN services which do cost money but are very much worth it if you need to appear to be in another country/state, and want to go in shields up by default.
  3. I'm not one to let my meat loaf, but I went back to the last page and seen the face. Even I couldn't do that.
  4. I can tell her face is 100% garbage from this angle, smash.
  5. I suffer from everything on this lazy twats list except for neglecting my health, which I spend an abundance of time, effort, and extra capitol on.
  6. 2983E1A9-2691-4FA7-80A4-062E2B4A2921.mov
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