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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    Disagree, he said they're trained to only use "less than lethal" which includes mace against something potentially deadly like a metal pole, only when backed up by deadly force, AKA another officer with a gun, or a gun in one hand, mace/tazer in the other.
  2. Mercer


    I have certain moral objections to the current system of policing. With that said I'm all for worker's safety, and sometimes following inconvenient precautions to achieve said safety. I might not think the police are pursuing the right crimes and whatever, but feel like I think police 100% have a right to self defense on the job, just like any other person should from a moral perspective. With that said there are many instances where I end up looking at it from the pro-cop perspective, and actually agreeing with it. Sometimes even going against my own initial reaction to a video, after I give it some thought and think critically instead of emotionally. Here's a perfect example. My first thought is the guy with the stick looked like a pussy and I'd have no problem with taking out myself using just my hands. IDK though, small chance dude could fuck me up but very slim. I initially thought the officers own laziness was to blame for another unnecessary death. Things aren't always what they seem though, and I ended up ended up clicking on this video below here, that went in depth on this video. I have to admit it changed my perception of this situation. To me it made sense, like I acknowledge the cop could have tried using hands, but realistically using hands against metal poles means you're going to have a short career if this is your job. If you're dealing with this type of shit on a regular basis sooner or later it catches up. Just like the safety training I've had, I'm sure just for workman's comp reasons alone he'd the cop would be trained to do exactly what he did. Either way, this doesn't change my overall feelings on this subject as a whole like Police pursuing victimless crimes, and a lack of any reasonable accountability in law enforcement. I'm only saying I can understand how logic applies to this, and similar situations where theres a legitimate threat to a cops safety. There are situations where I think use of force is justified. Unfortunately there will always be criminals, and a realistic need to effectively minimize the damage they do somehow. My main point is this video I flipped from blaming what I thought was a negligent officer, to giving them the benefit of the doubt. Anyone else have thoughts on this guys breakdown?
  3. Gourmet ramen game = Wonk Saggin
  4. It only takes one state, people (militia) will definitely flock there for Boogaloo like they did Texas after the Alamo.
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