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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. So 3 Democratic Socialist walk into a bar, one says to the other two "We should pool all our money, and belongings together, and then split it up evenly comrades". Then they all just looked at each other and lol'd, knowing nobody with money is stupid enough to do that with their money.
  2. @Schnitzel they could easily be funded the shows people actually wanted to see in a non-coercive manner. It's like a street vendor with a gun robbing you for $5, then handing you an ice cream afterwards. You may not like ice cream but you didn't have a choice. Now I'm wondering how heavy the tax is on imported beer.
  3. Mercer


    https://gothamist.com/2019/08/22/job_is_dead_nypd_cops_pantaleo.php A cop was fired for choking a black guy to death (suspected of selling loose cigarettes). Proving police will go to any length to enforce almost any law no matter how minor. Not all cops is questionable, but there's no chance anyone pictured in this photo isn't a fucking tool with a hard on for gang violence of the state sanctioned variety.
  4. The key to grilling burgers with propane is the smoke, if it doesn't drip grease down and burn itself making it's own flames you're fucking up. Smoke should be pouring out of your propane grill when the lid closed.
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