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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I tried this shit years ago, bottom of the barrel. I did pretty well but never once came across a girl worth keeping. Either they're just looking to bang, then get clingy, which is fun but a dead end, or they're too uptight. You might find someone good looking, with their shit together career wise but I found those types won't reciprocate any of the "special treatment" they expected for themselves, then can't figure out why they're still single. One time I had a girl show up over an hour late for a date (no emergency) and text me like WTF when she showed up and I wasn't there still, she was actually mad.
  2. Kid racks up over 1 million in crypto by SIM swapping. Another reason why you should never keep your funds on an exchange, and if so never let anyone know you hold. This attack has been around forever yet people still get got daily. Hacker finds out your phone number Hacker knows you've got crypto on an exchange Hacker calls your phone carrier, gets your number switched to a SIM card they hold Hacker then requests a password reset for your email account, and gets access using your phone as 2nd factor authorization Then hacker can request password reset at your exchange and passes the 2 factor auth with your phone/email access. If you've noticed, this attack isn't sophisticated and requires almost no technical skills to pull off. Teen crook hacked into 75 phones and stole $1M in cryptocurrency: https://nypost.com/2019/12/18/teen-crook-hacked-into-75-phones-and-stole-1m-in-cryptocurrency-authorities/?utm_source=reddit.com
  3. For sure, invading to eliminate the threat would be ideal. 18 year war, and hundreds of thousands of dead bodies later in other places, I'd say much of the military actions, and involvement on the periphery would be non-existent if Islamic extremism wasn't on the radar. There's a difference between espionage, and government officials sending flying robots into another country to assassinate people. If anyone ever did that to the U.S. god help them, they would be obliterated.
  4. Nobody associated with Afghanistan's government, or the Taliban funded, officially sanctioned, had advanced knowledge of, or provided the manpower for 911, (unlike the Saudi's). 100% public knowledge, we've dropped bombs in, used flying robots to kill, and in some cases even invaded the following countries with ground troops: Afghanistan Algeria Iraq Syria Yemen Pakistan Libya Somalia In addition, It is highly probable (but not officially acknowledged) we've violated the sovereignty of several other Mid East / North African countries pursuing the "war on terror" in the following countries: Iran Oman Sudan
  5. Agree, didn't mean to come off defensive at all.
  6. Also, if anyone's been following the news Ethereum just completed the Istanbul hard fork, aka major software upgrade. This upgrade is the first of many, and once this series of upgrades is done Ethereum will be transformed into ETH 2.0. The current upgrade improves the Ethereum network's processing speed measured in transactions per second (TPS). The Visa credit card system currently averages 2000 TPS's, compared to Ethereum's pre-hardfork max of 32 per second. Here's Ethereums current throughput, and cost per transaction: TPS is important, because it's the last technological hurdle that needs to be jumped before mass adoption of Ethereum is technologically possible. Combined with Ethereum's new ZK snark cryptographic functions (ZK rollup), this hardfork means we may have just crossed that hurdle last week with the upgrade. https://u.today/expert-ethereum-can-easily-surpass-visa-with-this-feature
  7. I feel like these stories are misleading in nature. On one hand, sure, it's 100% feasible someone used BCM to post some ISIS shit. On the other hand, ISIS shit is also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, through email, text message etc. That caption (and similar headlines) beg the question, what's the author's point? Get rid of BCM, encryption, or all these services? Does the government need total control over all communications? This reminds me of people thinking crime can be reduced by eliminating cryptocurrencies, ignoring the fact 99% of terrorism, and black market activity is funded using cash, and traditional banking systems. My response response is underlined by your previous post's article. We can engage in a technological whack a mole eliminating advances and encryption and privacy, but the underlying crime we're supposedly targeting isn't really effected. Meanwhile, the negative effects of crippling useful technology cascades indiscriminately across the rest of society, without actually targeting criminals specifically. A net loss.
  8. Even though I disagree with the overall idea of fighting those wars there. There are people serving right now, and have served in Afgan, Iraq etc. that have my deepest respect as individuals. A conscript, a fighter pilot, even lowly infantrymen are often times presented with opportunities to risk their own lives in combat situations, in an effort to save others, or to take out bad actors before they kill innocents again, and they do the right thing. This is happening globally almost every day and we don't even know. I just dole out respect to individuals based on their actions, not automatically for general groups like veterans. My point is you can still be a hero in a situation you have no control over. There are turds, and great people in all wars.
  9. A marine unit on patrol shows off it's anti terrorism weaponry before submerging.
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