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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I'd trade it in for Bitcoin/Ethereum. There's still a chance it could exceed it's previous all time high during a major bull run, but compared to Bitcoin/Ethereum, and quite frankly most other alt coins it's not going to outperform them. Litecoin is old 1st generation tech like Dogecoin, it's supposed to be used as an actual currency but zero retailers are adopting it, that market is being crushed by DIA/SAI stablecoin right now. I made a long rant before on how shady I felt Charlie Lee was but with all the BS aside, there's just no real use case, or practical reason for people to buy it moving forward. It may surpass it's all time High if we hit another bull run like in 2017, but if that's the case, you might as well go with the real deal and get more profits.
  2. No idea, I'd say 2020-2021 is looking overall good for Ethereum in general. If anything the price could dip come Jan 1st but by March we're going to hit a bull market due to the halvening.
  3. That shit bothers me. Like how the fuck do you just threaten to make up bullshit crimes for being "fossil fuel executives"? I'd be willing to bet Sanders himself purchases/consumes more petroleum than most people by a long margin himself. That's not even the point. The fact is, we all consume, every one of us, and these companies only fill the extremely high demand the market creates. No fossil fuel executives? Cool, then no petroleum products like gasoline right, without which the economy would instantly tank, and immeasurable human suffering would immediately follow. I can understand if an oil executive is doing something that's illegal, but singling out a profession like that for targeted enforcement is some straight totalitarian shit, and dumb. We're all destroying the planet Bernie, including your economically illiterate ass.
  4. Damn, video I embedded a couple of pages ago not showing up now. Repost: 0-100 Real Quick.m4v
  5. I can't get on board with this weird neckbeard shit. IMO if you do mind paying for the first date, WTF is the point of even taking her out then? Not that pleasant? That's your fault, you either chose poorly/settled. Not saying the man should have to pay in every situation but damn. Unless she made the first move and invited you out (even then I'd still offer to split) it's your responsibility, especially on the first date. You're attracted to the woman and decided you'd (really like to) spend this time with her. You invited her out based on this desire, and you probably picked the place out yourself. Paying for the first date should be a no brainer here. I mean, you'd have to be an extremely vaginally challenged individual to invite a girl on a first date and expect her to pay for it. If you've got a full lineup of 1st dates for the next week or so, and can't afford to take all of them out (good for you) just take her out to the park or something if it's nice, pack some wine and snacks on the cheap. Whatever you do don't pull a neckbeard when the check comes.
  6. Smash stretch girl, Trash butterface until she gets that nose fixed.
  7. Enough of a fan to enjoy reading her work, and about her. She was about as bad assed as a human being could possibly be. @Fist 666is correct though, she didn't respect the NAP.
  8. Thick is about the way it's carried, not how much is carried. Type of body that's slamming no matter plus or minus a few pounds.
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