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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Prepare for more price increases for gasoline, as demand continues ramping back up especially this summer. It's not really due to specific individual political actions from any leader, outside of government lockdowns put in place globally.
  2. Disagree, the government had no business initiating a conflict, and invading their compound. It was in fact an effort to violate their constitutional right to bear arms, and self defense. There were zero mentions of any other wrongdoing, outside of the unconstitutional attempt to interfere with their individual rights, until after they needed to justify gassing/burning them. The ATF's narrative is pure bullshit. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be the name of department store sections, grocery isles in a free country. Not a Federal agency who's sole purpose is to infringe on the constitutional. They got a hot tip they could seize weapons, and wanted to appease their masters and really nothing more to it than that. MFW I try to install totalitarianism in a constitutional democracy against the language of it's core legal document. These people wont hesitate to end your life if it interfere's with their career goals.
  3. This is insane, imagine a meme, meant as a joke being a more secure asset than USD lol.
  4. The government is much more likely to unconstitutionally use armed drones on Trump supporters, and right wingers, than they are to employ them against leftists, and BLM supporters. The lefties are just by default less of a threat to their goals of absolute power. Look at the effort put into prosecuting rioters from last summer, and compare that to what they're doing to the D.C. rioters from January. It's not even apples and oranges, it's like comparing apples and sirloin. Look at Ruby Ridge, Waco, those people they murdered were basically law abiding citizens for the most part, not bothering anyone. They were considered a much higher threat to the Feds because it was believed they posed more of a threat. I mean even on a fistfight level, imagine being a fedboi, having the choice between initiating a physical confrontation between your average proud boy, or your average Antifa member. They like abusing their power, but they also prefer the path of least resistance, which is the main, and only motivation behind banning devices that kill less that 100 people on average every year. They're not concerned with public safety, it's their own asses they want to protect.
  5. Yea, that sounds dangerous AF @Dirty_habiT. You could mitigate some of that safety issue by shutting off your disconnect, or removing your meter first, but even then that isn't how you want power your entire house. It might work in an absolute emergency but def isn't worth it. If you can't install a solar/battery setup, the next best thing is a dual fuel (natural gas/propane) generator installed by a licensed electrician. Next best is a generator with extension cords to the fridge/furnace etc. I'd still go with propane for a fuel source because it's safer for your lungs, and safer/more reliable to store longer term as a fuel for as long as your tank(s) stored are outside. Keep in mind, during a shit hit's the fan situation all petroleum based fuels are extremely prone to supply chain issues. Your best bet is a solar/battery system, unless you have a reliable source a bio fuel and the means to produce your own diesel.
  6. In some ways I guess it's better they went out doing something they enjoyed, but overall I think intent is inconsequential when it comes to irreversible harm. If someone "unintentionally" shoots a person out of negligence, it makes no difference on the real world consequences. Stuffing anything up your ass without a broad base will result in a hospital visit, and is gross negligence (no pun intended).I'd gain zero comfort knowing the shooter was doing something as ridiculous as stuffing a rifle up their ass backwards and having an accidental discharge if they took out one of my family members. Focusing on the emotional factor of something that can't be proven/disproven 100%, and assigning the priority to "intent" for any manner of safety neglects logic. Traffic rules save lives, building codes save lives and if they were designed to focus on a driver's/builders intent they wouldn't work. Bottom line is emotionally based design isn't valid, especially when compared to logic as a the primary consideration for designing safety measures.
  7. I wouldn't bother. Just cap it with a wire nut, and wrap it in electrical tape. I'll try to draw a diagram when I'm back at my desk later.
  8. Just double posted then deleted this in here, lol. Then deleted this one from the Minneapolis thread where I also double posted. We come together like Voltron gentlemen
  9. When_you_can_t_find_people_to_play_in_your_band.-6eh4b03a2xs61.mp4 New band that came together during quarantine.
  10. should be two upstairs switches, one downstairs switch, and two light circuits/bulbs right?
  11. Not thick but I really like this Japanese booty tattoo.
  12. I hate to sound sexist, but I'm on my Dirty Harry on this one. I think it was an honest mistake on her part, but she should have never been allowed onto the force. Hate to sound sexist, because it's more about the individual here but I feel like standards were probably lowered for her. I mean that's some pretty dumb shit, they carry less lethal on the opposite side, or chest in some departments. Also, just me but I understand the risks involved when fighting/fleeing police and all, but don't think fleeing is something you should consider lethal force (for in most situations). Only caveat to that would be if public safety were at risk, like if an active terrorist/mass shooter, or armed suspect taking shots situation, There are practically no discernible rules of engagement for officers. Enemy combatants are often times given more protections in the form of restraint than our own citizens,
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