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Everything posted by DrUnKpUnCh

  1. O RRY/ IM IN UR... PICTURES- MY ALL-TIME FAV i want to cmeup later 2007ola-IN ITS THIRD OR FOURTH EDITION. THE EASY BAY THREAD AND THE HAWAII THREADS GETTING BANNED. ABC TELLING ME "THIS IS MY FUCKIN' HOUSE"-PROPS TO ABC. me changing from CAPLOCKINS to non-cap lockins. MYSPACE PICTURE POST my fourth screen name. seeing eastbaypirathouse and lens getting banned for life.-hahahaha....ha it's a new tattoo thread.(Asking about apple chips in here gets you a hand job)-and it many title changes. bloodfart sneak and creep tellin gliks to "/yesfuckglicks"- happy kwansa glick. tic-tacs. teh use of teh using- /nohomo, and /yeshomo booty contest rage and his photos-/nohomophobe smash or trash cake drama my own drama show me your pets sleeping pills, sukisukinow, spread aids...... me arguing with seeking and koh in teh tattoo thread about racist tats gimme time ill think of some more shit. oh yeah seffiks, thanks for all the comp help.
  2. Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola wasp arent allowed to tan..... lolrus status had to edit, and just say this is my 640th post. omy behalf i would like to say SIIIIIIIIIX FOOOOOOOORRRRRTYYYYYYYYYYYY MOBBBBBBBBBBBIN. NOT IN 640, BUT PROPS TO THE CREW(FAM)
  3. looks like cupcake has another screen name.
  4. bump that cog one shot and bumb jonathan lim, you will always be missed
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco jolts bumb old skool shits
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco stfu, stfd^^^^^^^^^^^^
  7. i used to work the door at that gallery. art is good but owners are meh.
  8. this is me to a tee. i'm always an asshole, prick, or a jerk; but thats why mami loves me. even when i'm out with her i try to be nice but every mother fucker is, in the long run; out for them selves.
  9. dkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdk, all day lovin that arm band. care to trade a aus-rotton 10" "fuck nazi sympathy" for the dead kennedys?
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i dont see "mod" next to your name, so your opinion means nathan. unless your twist, then we'll think about it
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco you know what holy, i never thought about that? /nohomo /notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat.
  12. so did anyone say where this is goig to be, pls pm. kbaithx
  13. get it right, it's blood, not that punk blude. and yeah i am that serious mother fucker. BLOOD
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco "SB IS A FUKN SAN JOSE SNITCH" does'nt that make you a snitch now to?.
  15. check it mes. i deal in reality, not a distorted view. you know me and how i am. what you gonna do if someone snitches on you???? i know for a fact that you are not going to let it go and not take shit seriously. that guy you converse with would sell you out in a second. just lettin you know. the lifestyle i lead is serious. now you know. ps-rip vomit
  16. why would anyone post that white shoe wearin', girl pants havin bitch. that guy has had his ass beat more times than grits.
  17. why are you talking like your not the snitch who tried to make a c-note off me. here you go grits. shut your fuckin mouth and go suck a dick. what now will i be hated for droppin his name, even if he is a snitch. hay eastbay pirate house, i'm sure your not supposed to be on here,right??????????. only mods know.
  18. rib chanel- i will always miss you.-"THE GREEN EYED BANDIT":o
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ^^^^^^^^^^^and here we go with next five pages being about orfn.^^^^^^^
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