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Everything posted by wry

  1. wry

    NC graf.

    bleh, it did post the pic with it. <forget it...BUMP ICEMAN.
  2. wry

    NC graf.

    its not a sticker. P.S. that billboard would look better, if they did there letters larger.
  3. wry


    what the hell is that?^its a laugh.
  4. wry

    Wash DC

    bump 4 PEAR & CAVE
  5. <''CNUE'' good stuff.
  6. wry


    some hot, some not
  7. wry


    this guy is smart, good thing he add' his 2cents, and showed you his stuff to provide a point. hes not just some hater with diareah of the mouth.
  8. wry


    you used a prisma, shit will fade like nothing.
  9. some of those say good bye to a lotta paint, like ketchup bottles etc. never tried that. a lot of that is too messy sometimes to go threw the trouble to make. if u got the time and supplies i think its great...funel,gloves,container,etc. put your markers in a ziplock rolled in your pocket, nearly got stains on all my clothes from home made markers.
  10. bump 4 ''king of kingz''<<keep rep.in' it!
  11. pretty good hanstyles in a lotta those. keep rockin it.
  12. this is mad good. bump keep! dope flix every1. i see writers go over other writers, i think that is so rediculous, there are hundreds of spots to run without crossin out some1 eles, that shits stupid. if u got a beef with someone get back by rockin it better then them, gettin out more, doin better peices. the more graff there is the better. but i can see some points where you'd go over another cuz that happened to be the best spot, or if it was yours in the first place. battle the other, never cover.
  13. wry


    bump 4 fate. ppl should post more of that dudes stuff. bump all the cats that get up mad.
  14. this shits hot but too much time put into this that could be ripped down in a matter of hours, and this dude doesnt give rep his name well enough...still knows how to rock it though....dope stickers everyone!
  15. wtf are you talking about? i dont mean to ''beef you'' as well, but your an idiot.
  16. rest in peace, RISE
  17. shit load of tags, you guys are holdin it down.
  18. i need some markers i can get from money order.
  19. how do you get nibs put on tic tac's, deoderant and all that? last time i tried it fell off like nothing got ink every where. how do you make a decent nip on a marker you make yourself is my Q.
  20. wry

    Wash DC

    lol temper temper, chill spaz man.
  21. wry


    good shit, but word for all the writers that go out and freeze there balls off, and hit it hard, everywhere with good shit. shit, i wouldnt be able to push the cap down, whe its snowing. Ha id freeze up. Big ups to all them.
  22. Re: Don't Call it Frisco forget about posting tags...
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