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Everything posted by wry

  1. whoa nelly i thought graffiti was getting your name up. why care if its done with a meanstreak? :)
  2. bump typoe. i've seen that flick maybe 5 times tho
  3. keep it to the sn u see. i dont call ppl out. the point was made 7 posts ago. nothing further was posted from orlando. lets not drop names (tags, etc)
  4. cynic too* *and i dont see whats diff except for wats in the H and u cant read from that flick...?
  5. bump my boy dunce n typoe meyer hive, nice to see respect to oil, rest in peace.. real humble dude everyone knows siner is king... dope thread
  6. was in that area (kinda) mostly jus southrn cali... lotta OCP. anyone kno those cats?? they travel n hit it pretty hard. pm me OCP
  7. how are all those ppl there to see that???? see thats what i dont get.. ppl will buy that shit.. i could shit on a canvas smear in around a little and have a girl sit on it during her period and the take a sharpie to it with swiggles and it'd burn all that shit put together. i could prolly put a redic price n sell it in a gallery for 50K and name it "scum of the earth" btw no one can take my idea
  8. Klue(girl) Kuma Revs Earsnot MSK(cali)&MSG(miami)Crew all the 2DX crew(everywhere)
  9. wry

    831 cali

  10. ^prolly d best pic in here outta them all. fuck bathroom graffiti. look kinda neat wen completly filled cuz there bound to be a good writter sayin he there other than juss toys practicing. i aint gonna lie good place to get a feel, and that wat most of it is.
  11. bump those wild styles...shits crazy.
  12. MIGS<thats the shit.<<bump the ^MEDIK^
  13. PEOR?<interesting style...does the 'R' have a penis between legs.<i know the 'P's got back. 'E' got an emo hair cut. the 'O' okay. best thing on the page tho.<<smiles>>
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