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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. ^What are they a 1/2 size bigger? Looks the same to me.
  2. I'm the complete opposite (stating the obvious). On street, I can't fucks with anything bigger than 50mm. And even on ramps and shit, anything bigger than 52/53 feels weird and makes it harder to do blunts and ollies and shit. When I was a kid it was easier to adapt and get used to shit, but as I'm getting older I'm stuck in my ways.
  3. LMAO! That's actually the first thing that popped into my head too. :lol:
  4. The stock bushings are dope, they just need to be broken in. For some reason though alot of diehard Indy heads hate them and switch them out. The only reason I have the red bushings on my ramp setup is cause they came with the trucks when someone gave them to me. Is this new park you speak of that Franklins Pain park down by the Art Museum that they been talking about building for the past decade? How is it?
  5. Herb or not, backflips on a bigwheel over the megaramp = gangster as fuck.
  6. True, but if you're going to make a video event out of it then you might as well at least try to pull it off. Especially after comming that close. He coulda just not pumped and did a kickturn on the quarter. If he can handle the drop in and the gap, then he can handle a kickturn. Or at least bail and kneeslide out after riding up the other side. I don't think that was a bail.
  7. The fuck is he talking about "passion" anyways? Nigga talkin bout making out with his skateboard or something? Fucking TPWF's.
  8. He didn't even pull it off. Nigga fell on his ass and was celebrating like he did it. If he came that close, he shoulda kept at it till he pulled it off. Especially if he's gonna make a video about it.
  9. LMAO at someone calling themself "the_otha_dao".
  10. I always have to warm up on little bullshit before I can skate. Like rolling around doing little 180's and shovits and shit just to get my blood flowing right. But then again I'm fucking old. When I was like 19 I could just bust right out without warming up or nothing. Hop out the car and just step to gaps and stairs and shit.
  11. ^You need to cut tht niggas poney tail off while he's knocked out.
  12. I thought you was an impostor for a minute, LOL.
  13. Yo my bad Stan, that was just on GP. I wanna unban you but can't. Try using a proxy or something.
  14. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I'm a mod today!!! I just banned Stan!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. I've asked this before and have yet to be answered, how does the mod shit work? Does it just pick people at random to be mod?
  16. What's funny is that I had to set up a "ramp board" to skate my homies bowl, cause my street setup is too wimpy for that shit. Bigger wheels, wider trucks, wider deck. My ramp board is the same size as what you just posted, with the same exact trucks (but with the red bushings) and 52mm wheels. And that's my battle axe for bowl skating. :lol:
  17. It's late Soup. I'll be back to poke fun at you some more tomorrow. You can ban me from tinychat again too. :lol: [ATTACH]114734.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. Yooooo...... so that's how this nigga made it to his 20's and only banged two broads in his life. He was locked away in the nut house for half his life. He lost his virginity to a fat and saggy duty nurse when he was 21!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. ^Nigga you swear you're chinese when everybody seen your mug, and you STILL trying to swear you're chinese while everybody's laughing in your face. How the fuck you gonna say you havn't lied once when everything that comes out of your mouth is a dilusion? Nigga, you need to take your meds before your folks have you commited again. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. You've banned me at least five times you lying faggot. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  21. Nigga I SLAYED THE FUCK OUT OF YOU when you tried to pull that Hugh Hefner shit you fucking homo!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You were being epicly slayed. Don't even try to pull that re-writing history shit you fucking nut. It was just you and me and as soon as other people started logging on you banned me like the bitchmade faggot that everybody already knows you are!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: If there is a way for that shit to be read back, then YOU NEED TO POST THE TRANSCRIPTS ON HERE OR STFU YOU DERANGED MENTAL PATIENT. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Pussy you ban me everytime you're a mod cause I slay the fuck out of you!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't even try to make up some type of excuse you shook homo!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  23. Being as you ban me every time you see my name in fear that I'll slay you again, I have no idea what's going on in there right now. But I do know this. I was a mod on there one night, and mods on there have no way of seeing IP addresses, so for all I know this is just another one of your delusions. CHINKYCHONGCHONGCHINKYCHONGCHONGCHINKY!!!! :china: :china: :china: :china:
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