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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. The only thing I can think of is to get some soft ass wheels and take a grinder to them. I'm assuming you mean like really, really soft like filmer wheels, and not just some 98a's. They don't make those in small sizes. And if they did, they'd probably be pretty slow.
  2. Niggas used to rock Carhart back in the early 90's. Then they fell off and became strictly construction worker/outdoorsy gear.
  3. Are you fucking serious? You can get Carhart at Forman Mills and Burlington Coat Factory. And probably any outdoorsy store. Why would you want the shit so bad though? That shit's construction worker gear.
  4. And real talk, that's what I think about alot of the shit you vegans eat. However, there's nothing nasty at all about a greasy ass cheesesteak.
  5. Really I was just busting balls with the vegan comment. I think it's corny, but I guess it's possible to be a non-corny vegan. However it's pretty much impossible for a dude to wear chicks pants and not be corny. I stand by that 100%.
  6. It's fucking corny. So is dudes wearing tight pants.
  7. The fuck is a Ebaums world? Somebody should holler at Casek and the DL.
  8. Is this some type of 4chan faggotry going on in there?
  9. ^Dude should rock them more often.
  10. Who's getting rowdy? All's I said is that I'm calling bullshit on him being 13. And on his name really being Christ. And anybody can lie on a facebook. You'd have to be an idiot if you think that him claiming to be 13 on his facebook means that he's 13. I could make a fucking facebook claiming to be 13.
  11. I'm calling bullshit on this kid being 13. Asians always look younger than they are, not older. Kid looks like he's at least in his late teens. And what's with his name being Christ? Don't Christians consider that shit to be blasphame?
  12. ^I thought you were gonna come through? What happened?
  13. I win because you lose. You said you gave up. Now here you are trying to argue again with somebody twice your age. And I'm nowhere near 40.
  14. *Insert picture of this niggas future wife repeatedly smacking him over the head with the rolled up test results proving that it's HIS fault that they can't make babies, and screaming at him about what a non-babymaking faggot he is in his tight pants as they leave the fertility clinic.
  15. *Insert picture of the look on the bitches faces when this nigga trying to mack to them in his tight ass little sisters pants looking like he just pissed allover himsef from the sweat of skating in the hot summer sun.
  16. You're a fucking pussy because everybody knows that you're the resident TPWF, and the fabric of your pants is pressed up against your shins thus only providing like a sixteenth of an inch tops of spandex protection against shinners. Plus, you live in fucking ARIZONA where 115 degrees is like a normal day, and you're STILL too shook of a lack of a 16th of an inch spandex protection from shinners that you're fully willing to look like you pissed yourself and your little sisters pants. Yeah, you're shook of shinners. Mad shook son. i wouldn't be surprized if yo started rocking soccer shinpads.
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