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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. We had betties that looked like that back in the 90's. You missed out.
  2. I havn't seen a board that was under 7.5 since 1994. And I know you aint trying to bust no 360 flips on that banana board, I was just busting your balls. That cork top shit sounds stupid though.
  3. Yall Australian niggas racist as fuck. Kinda funny how yall do shit that was invented by black people in the states.
  4. Dude picked a bad example. Tlok actually does that exact same face in the O. If you watch the video link, he does one in it.
  5. How the fuck you gonna hate on skinny street boards, then turn around and "skate the shit out of" a fucking banana board with some freestyle trucks? :confused:
  6. Dude shoulda took his board and ran his pockets while he was snoring. But then I guess doing that on camera wouldn't be too smart.
  7. You're just mad cause you got beat the fuck up the other night. How you know tie-dye boy didn't do something to catch a ass whoopin?
  8. Samsung, is any of that even in Philly?
  9. I cut a line into my grip once and when my board snapped it was a perfect clean line right where the razor barely dug into the ply. It snapped coming out of a noseslide. Who snaps boards coming out of a noseslide?
  10. I'll bet you're one of those dudes who stretches out your tag and calls it "philly style".
  11. Just a shot in the dark, but are you cutting lines into your grip after it's on your board? Cutting a line in your grip while it's already on your board will cause you to cut a line into your deck, that will end up being a weak point for the shit to break. I learned that the hard way years ago. Either way, that delamination is s sure sign of shogddy craftsmanship. Any board that delaminates is defective.
  12. I went through a phase back in 94 where almost everytime I did a 360 flip (treflip) I'd snap my tail. That shit was on flatground too. I eventually came to the realization that it was cause I had developed a habit of catching them and stomping them down hard as fuck with my foot over the tail. This was before landing shit bolts even existed, and I was catching them and stomping them down. But if you're snapping your shit easy on flatground nollieflips, I'm sticking with the story that your shop switched up to some cheaper wood.
  13. Sounds like they switched their wood.
  14. Did the bitch actually say anything deserve that shit, or are ignorant douchebags just being ignorant?
  15. Do they look and feel different? Maybe they switched up their wood to somebody cheaper.
  16. There is hope for the future. :cool:
  17. You need to stop wasting your money on whatever board company that is, and switch up to some other shit.
  18. Depends on how you skate, and what brand they are. Indy's are the only truck that I've ever had last long enough to grind to the axle, but I've seen people grind Ventures to the axle once or twice. If your trucks are jacked and you can't tighten your shit to where you want them, then at least buy new bushings. But you usually have to get new kingpins to go along with them if your shit's grinded down. I'd just get new trucks if you aint poor. It aint even worth the hassle trying to change your shit out if you can afford to just get new trucks.
  19. Having to adjust your trucks a little every now and then is normal, especially in the summer, cause the bushings get softer with the heat. Then you gotta loosen them a little in the winter cause they get hard and tighten up. But if it's to the point where your kingpin wont tighten anymore, then I don't know what to tell you. I never heard of bushings getting that smashed. What kind of trucks you riding?
  20. If that was aimed at me, I wasn't getting all bent up about it. I don't think anyone else was either. I also refuse to spend more that $20-$30 on jeans.
  21. I stand corrected. I had no idea they made smaller wheels that soft. I have a hard enough time finding 50mm that are in the 97-98 range.
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