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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. I just don't see myself watching some random video on mute.
  2. I've been skating for 20 fucking years, I know that most skate videos have shitty music in them. Especially these days. But there's a difference between your average shitty skate video music, and shit that's so fucking off the wall terrible that you can't even enjoy the skating because the noise being played over it makes you want to put your head through your fucking computer monitor.
  3. There was this chick who used to hang out at Love Park back in the day who had that tattoo. She was like 15.
  4. Dogs... what the fuck is it with you and the music on every fucking video that you post? I can't even sit through the shit. Do you actually make an effort to find the videos with the most god-awful music in them? When am I going to learn not to even bother clickin on your videos?
  5. This homo should be punched in the face at least once daily. How the fuck is he gonna explain that to his kids?
  6. Sounds like you have all the time in the world to waste.
  7. Kid reminds me of Kareem a little bit.
  8. These days every other kid's a superman skater and I can't even keep up with all the new names. And don't even care to really. But I'm a fan of this kid's skating. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNscQTzuboc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLunQftDAJ0
  9. Like playing with your wooden toy from the 80's?
  10. If you're 30 and rocking oldschool decks, then you're a failure. I or someone I know probably robbed you for your board if you ever came though Love Park back in the day.
  11. I'm the farthest thing from a hipster, and I've probably been skating longer than you've been alive. Infact, I was probably doing varial flips off launch ramps while you were shitting your diaper.
  12. People have been doing that trick for years now. Down stairs and shit too.
  13. I hate when dudes named David try to pronounce it like "dah-veed". Nigga you're name is DAVID. Not Dah-veed.
  14. Apparently you're boys with EBPH, and he was doing most of the typing for you. Making you look like an ass. Till you booted him off your computer and clarified that it was him doing the typing.
  15. I don't know what that is, but it def aint no fucking cheesesteak.
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