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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o:
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread ...
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcUF3vGgwNc
  4. EXACTLY!!! It's been so long since I've seen those videos that I can't exactly remember the exact tricks that were done... but my point exactly. I was seriously pissed at life back then watching the same people film boardslides on the same ledges that I'd witnessed them do switch flip backside tailslides on just a year or two earlier. Oh well. At least graff was at its peek back then.:D
  5. Maybe so nowadays, and maybe so in other countries back in the mid 90's. But I used to get into heated arguements all the time about how they were the best skaters back then. Shit I almost got into a rumble with mad heads one time because we were watching some video and Rodney mullen did a nollie inward heelflip to crooks or some shit with a fucking cast on his leg and i thought it was fucking amazing but everyone (like 10 dudes deep, some of which are actually pro's nowadays) present was like "fuck that! he skeched. Rodney mullen is garbage!". I seriously wanted to punch every sinle one of them in the mouth. But I was alone in this arguement.
  6. Post more BC! And bump for the youngbuck Xanax stealing someones girl and that person resorting to spreading rumors insead of just fighting like a man!:lol:
  7. ^Making Philly look smashed like it used to be. Bring back the graff and beat back the buff! Good fucking shit!
  8. ^And this is the mid 90's that I vividly remember like it was yesterday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhXbfdeXCdE
  9. Girl and World were the exception. And everybody hated them. And the smallest deck i could find was usualy an 8 and sometimes I'd be blessed with a 7-3/4 world or girl deck but those always sucked because they'd either break in a weak or they'd have like 2-3 inches of flatness between the back truck and the beginning of where the tail started to curve. And the smallest wheels i could find was like 52mm. And I felt like i was in the twilight zone. And if you don't remember these days then you were either not in the continental US or you were one of these pothead/dreadlock/hippies/in denial. Seriously.
  10. As far as Philly writers go, the boul AARAS is seriously the dopest writer in philly right now. The boul AOBAS might be biting him a little though. But fuckit, it's traditional. This guy AUKAS aint too bad either. Neither is this guy ALEAS. These are seriously my favorite writers in Philly. Everybody else sucks. And if you disagree then that's just your bad.
  11. You're talking about the early 90's. The mid to late 90's was when all the same exact kids that used to swear by size 70 jeans, 38mm wheels, 7-1/4 decks and made fun of you if you couldn't land a double pressureflip late shove... suddenly grew dredlocks and beards and switched to 60mm wheels and 8-1/2 decks and the frontside boardslide came back to replace the pressureflip and the 50-50 grind came back to replace the switch frontside crooked grind. And a stylish frontside boardslide on a bench somehow all of a sudden burned a nollie hardflip to crooks (no matter what it was on). True story.
  12. This one too. It'd be like 2 degrees outside and we'd be sweating our asses off pulling flatground/curb lines in a dusty ass parking garage. Everyone wants to hate on those times and how sketchy everyone was back then... but for real that was the funnest time for me. SHIT WAS RAW!
  13. This video reminds me so much of my favorite era in skateboarding. In history period for that matter. When life was actually fun. *saltyoldmanoner->
  14. PJ Ladd??? The kid is rediculous. How the hell could he look like ANYONE elses video parts?
  15. I fully agree. But I also can't make out who was buffed on that gate. Maybe it was fair game?
  16. cola actually looks like he got his throwie on lock the letters ll match man good work:huh: :lol:
  17. That shit is just corny. Corny is prety much the only word that I can think of to describe that shit.
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