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Everything posted by vytaL

  1. hope someone said the name of the writer that you're looking for in the thread, and search by the name.
  2. not terribly interesting, but this stuff rolled through yesterday
  3. grabbed this a few mins ago
  4. Re: Maine Funk I'm cruising down 95 on my notebook right now, jick tore it up saw 3-4 overpasses in a row
  5. latest streak of him I have saw him every trip to the yard around here, rip.
  6. diggin all these colorful pieces
  7. bump anything over those shitty faces, is this the sf thread?
  8. werent these already hit up before they were even open to the public?
  9. hahaha I was not expecting to see this here, Hes dominated everyone in the debates. I'll be voting for Paul in my states primaries in January and donating a few hundred for the tea party
  10. sometimes I love living in the middle of nowhere.
  11. You're in luck! It was done so badly they had to label it :lol: :lol:
  12. I don't know how many details are okay to post (cause of the sticky) so I'll just say no jail time so far, and thats pretty damn good. I for one am glad to see Ket not being locked up for a while.
  13. Good points, plus there is a much more detailed conversation about it on around page 22
  14. Nothing ever happened with it, and its too bad I wanted to see it
  15. You can do these things when you have a monopoly
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