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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. While I regurlarly sessioned IPA. Every single day for about ten years. I still am vehemently opposed to IPA and session appearing on a brew. Good day sir.
  2. Realistically killrust and dulux from hardware stores. Aussie exports for 2 dollars a pop were fun. Memories.
  3. Belton Molotow Sometimes Montana The only fancy paints worth paying for in my day.
  4. Haha. I'm sure the closest you'd come to having a conversation with him would be accidentally receiving a pint of carlton draught and returning it to the bar. While I generally avoid Gawker for anything outside of strictly automotive only content, this is pretty neat. http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/this-wwii-booklet-helped-soldiers-translate-from-americ-1791909009
  5. And because you're in a good mood. A local trump hanson supporter.
  6. Also wasn't the deal for us to take in 2000 plus central American refugees?
  7. Trump tweeting that fake news is to blame for the phone call sounding poor. http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-02-03/trump-thanks-malcolm-turnbull-for-telling-the-truth/8240608
  8. Sorry for the no reply boodah but that stuff is way outside my knowledge base. Keep talking to people and try and find people you can identify with.
  9. 1 year sober today. RIP POZ I never knew there could be life like this. Cheers to all the contributors to this thread.
  10. That article is fair handed as far as I can see Hua Edit. That you posted
  11. http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/us-says-trump-will-honour-refugee-deal-as-shorten-demands-answers-20170202-gu3x7e.html
  12. Yep. 149th street grand concourse bench is somewhat of a graffiti pilgrimage destination.
  13. That's don't take the 10 and it's a fucking shit movie
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-executive-order-slash-regulations-151135855--business.html
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