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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. At the very least, make sure you're in a happy place personally before wandering down that path again. I wouldn't want you to be re-exploring that territory as some sort of 'fix' or 'cheer up' tactic.
  2. False. I hate South Park. TPBM hates South Park.
  3. I used to know how to reverse one in a city department store. Hahaha. Confused the shit out of people. TPBM has to sign off on OH&S procedures in their workplace.
  4. False. I go to the best. TPBM never uses hair product.
  5. I'd say you're on the money when you mention it's just trying to justify using.
  6. False. Outdoor toilet. TPBM won't see another human for at least three hours.
  7. Same amount of broken ribs if you slip though. True. TPBM ain't gettin' in without a ticket.
  8. Sorry, that didn't read very well. I actually hit another rider coming the other way on a dirt track out the back of nowhere. We only clipped handle bars, but it was enough for both of us to stack it. Had a chat, a handshake, and both rode of realising how close that was to being really, really bad. Kangaroo reference is more because I've hit 5 'roos in my various cars. So I always think about hitting a seven foot tall 'roo on a bike. Just not going to end well. Stay safe VFOR.
  9. Agreed. I had one fairly minor motorbike accident and I've never ridden again. Fuck hitting a Kangaroo while riding a motorcycle.
  10. I didn't have to until you made me think about it. Wanker! TPBM prefers to piss in the sink, because it's at the exact right height.
  11. I see. We call motorbike riders 'temporary Australians'.
  12. Do you not have to have a motorbike licence to ride one in the states?
  13. I tried to! But customs won't allow spirits to be sent here from America. Bastards! I want me some Bookers. TPBM has drunk from a bottle of booze worth more than a thousand dollars.
  14. It's five thirty in the morning. True. Church. True, but only for a meeting, it's kind of the town hall out here. TPBM is probably going to wash down a couple of pain killers with a bottle of Vodka.
  15. Nope. TPBM is turning their phone off right now.
  16. False. I once rode my bike an hour to get to the district club for a beer. I believe you. TPBM just got a letter from the Department for Child Protection, and wonders if the post office knows it's just to renew their working with children certification.
  17. Watch the youtube link in the Australia Day thread - that's pretty much what we do. True. Even what I do know is performing in a sense, I already have 400pax booked. Hope they like my jokes! TPBM focuses on the ugly broads in the crowd to settle their nerves.
  18. False. Although, you know... Australasia. TPBM is fuckin' pumped that it's Australia Day today.
  19. True. I got that admin money. TPBM bluffs their way through all their computer tasks.
  20. Ah. I see. I'd definitely try it. I'd try what the Abomb posted as well, but being a lager from SABMiller I think it's a safe bet it's watery shit? I see your point though. I just did a small collaboration with a brewer from one of the big three in Australia, and she was a great brewer with a lot of knowledge - made me feel like I was back to crayons. At the end of the day, all those sort of labels are doing is trying to capitalise on the fact craft beer is gaining market share. I believe in the US it's around 6% market share, over here it's 2.5% - but 2.5% of a very big pie is still a nice slice. We are seeing the same thing over here.
  21. I don't understand the reference, sorry.
  22. No brake necessary on most of my cars. True though. TPBM has taken two tyres to the rim in front of a crowd.
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