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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. True. Can't sit still. TPBM found a wad of cash in some old clothes
  2. Fuck I just posi propped. I'm going back to bed. That kgboys train is awesome.
  3. Almost every morning. True. TPBM shits in an outhouse.
  4. Mass is gorn run that on repeat for a while.
  5. False. Don't have that Wendy's dealy 'round here. TPBM got a funny arse props from Yomomma just before.
  6. How long is a piece of string? Maybe. TPBM saw their name in lights and started smashing globes.
  7. Falsified! TPBM eats grape flavoured lollipops on the regular.
  8. Eh. Doesn't relate to an idea held previous in the sentence, so I'd give it a cross. TPBM knows the difference between 'fewer' and 'less than'.
  9. How hard did you have to manoeuvre to hear this act of parenting?
  10. Nope. TPBM has an entire week to themselves (outside of work)
  11. False. Just realised he's banned though. TPBM got Cancer banned.
  12. False. You probably have a massive tapeworm. TPBM is wondering how far to push the extortion.
  13. 91, 95 and 98. I can get E85 which is denatured ethanol blend fuel, but you need to have your car tuned to use it long term. We use the RON measure in Australia, and you blokes use what I believe is the MON system. So your 'regular' at around 82/83MON is the same as our 91RON unleaded. In Japan the premium fuel is 100RON!! Lucky buggers. We used to be able to get Ultimate 102, which would have been like 95 in your money. That cleaned out the injectors pretty nicely!
  14. If the occasion calls for it. True. TPBM has a Barry White CD.
  15. @CD: True. TPBM has a pot boiling right now.
  16. False. Though I do discriminate against McLovin posts of any length. TPBM has negged someone for no reason in the last hour.
  17. So your entire life is held within a bicycle journey? Fucking sad, mate.
  18. False. But I am mustering up the enthusiasm to shave as I look like a criminal this morning. TPBM had a big one last night and probably shouldn't be around girls that young.
  19. True. Got caught out eating arse. TPBM always has to drop that line.
  20. Oh right, we're taking things seriously now. I don't think their interest in a 160L brew length would be sufficient for negotiations to reach a mutual point. I will never sell to anyone, I will die in this brew house.
  21. Nope. Just Aliens. TPBM believes in themselves.
  22. Also, that image is a bit of a stretch. It's not untrue that they own/produce those beers - but to say they are all separate brands is not accurate. Fat Yak, Big Helga, Alpha Pale, Redback & Beez Neez are all under one brand known as Matilda Bay. Which is actually a place in Western Australia, but when they bought it out they started producing it on the east coast while retaining the Western Australian geographical name. Classic big business. I need a pint.
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