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Everything posted by gxcxhxcx

  1. oh noe!- what the fuck are you talking about? simon_kenton- what the fuck are you talking about? I'm pretty new to ink making myself. But I get angry when I come here and people use words that are so subjective. "I want ink that's drippy" that can mean so many different things. How I perceive drippy is going to be completely different from how you do. How about you experiment. Get a couple hundred pens (for free of course) take them apart and cut the inside piece in half and drop it in a spaghetti jar with some 91% isopropyl alcohol. then test it. If it's too drippy add more pens, not drippy enough? Add more alcohol. Also I assume you are using some kind of mop? If you aren't that's why it's not dripping. How about you tell us what you've tried and we can go from there. fucks sake
  2. gxcxhxcx

    Art Primo

    art primo holds it down
  3. ok then.. i got it outta the northwest freight thread. were there multiple kerse' in the northwest or what?
  4. jobe? some 206 shit? I'm not sure ive seen it. I'd flick it but I dont know where you're talking about. There is a sick blink task straight letter on the bus lane on i5 but i have a low quality camera or i'd flick that. maybe someone else could get that too
  5. those titties are nice though... and buckbang i dont know if you watched that video but dude is makin some serious threats "ima put extra cheese all over your nachos" just concerned for your safety... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. haha 'damn we gotta go some chick just looked at us like..' or 'i go by the name task.. this my first bomb'
  7. I'm no legal expert, however I know that they conducted an illegal search and seizure. It would have been a good idea to get the searching cops badge numbers and car numbers. It would have also been a good idea to consult a lawyer... expensive but you prolly coulda gotten hella cake from it. Nothing they found can be used against you in court that doesn't mean though that they won't use what they already took to connect the dots. I would say you are probably pretty safe. It might be better to just write something else. If you have any run ins with them: While they are small talking (asking for id or whatever) say "Am I free to go?" They can play this two ways Yes or no. If they say you are free to go get the fuck out of there. If they say no that means you are being detained however it doesn't necessarily mean you are under arrest. Next they will do something like this "Oh.. this is your bag? I'm just going to look in it real quick, you don't mind right?" They will word it really funny to confuse you into allowing them to search. You should say over and over until they stop asking: "I do not consent to a search" They are allowed to pat you down however this is only to ensure their safety. They can not feel a bag and say oh you have weed you're under arrest. They can however notice a bulge that could be a knife or a gun and detain you for that. So during a pat down it is probably a good idea to tell them about any weapons you are carrying in a non-threatening manor. If you are under arrest: No matter how much you think you can talk your way out of it or how much you wanna tell the pig to fuck off, all you should say is "I don't want to answer any of your questions I want to speak with a lawyer" they will be assholes and say oh you want to talk to a lawyer go ahead and call one. This is just a game they play. They can't hold you for longer than 72 hours (i think) without actually charging you. Believe me being held for 72 hours is much better than fines and months or even weeks in jail and eventually they have to let you talk to a lawyer (which the state will provide for you free of charge). Also anytime you have an interaction with the pigs you should get their badge number. I also watch the car numbers that way I know if one or two cops is actually following me. This may sound paranoid but whatever better safe than sorry. or you could just run. Fuck the police.
  9. are you speaking from experience or is it safe to assume you are just like 85% of the people who post on here?
  10. anyone know whats good with the molotow burner markers? Should I get one?
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