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Bird Flu Sanwich

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Everything posted by Bird Flu Sanwich

  1. I expected more from this album :mad:
  2. Really nice stuff on this page. Rage, those 4x5s... damn
  3. Interesting take on No Country For Old Men. Netflix just delivered these two gems. If you haven't seen em you probably should
  4. Kegs of beer with foot pumps. And disposable frying pans. Who the fuck wants to clean after fryin up some bacon and eggs?
  5. Bird Flu Sanwich


    You lost me :confused:
  6. Bird Flu Sanwich


    No, but maple syrup with grilled cheese is off the charts good. Sounds horrible but you'll think otherwise after you try it. This is truth
  7. The Mist does have obvious similarities to The Fog, but I'm a big Stephen King fan so I thought it was real good. I shit bricks over the ending. If I was him, I woulda thrown myself under one of the tanks. By the way, dudes old school Land Cruiser is such a dope ride. I thought it was just ok. Nothing special. I just saw 21 . Good movie
  8. I've seen it. I caught it back in the day when it first aired on HBO and thought it was the shit. I grabbed it from netflix recently and it turned out to be one of those movies that I liked a lot the first time I saw it way back and now its just okay. Mike Tyson's part is funny. I did just watch It was pretty good.
  9. Damn! Can't wait for this. I was all about it as a kid
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^^^ that last ones not moving
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD First one is from Friday the 13th maybe?
  12. I've had bad luck with the glue traps. Once I came home to find a chewed off leg stuck to the trap and a blood trail leading to a hole under my sink with no mouse. And after that the mouse was smart enough to not even go near the trap but still let me know he was around from the shit he left all over my apartment. So I tried this THIS and it worked. This one looks like it'd work good too
  13. That belief about your moms dad having good hair means that you will too, is bullshit. My mothers father died at 82 with a thick head of white hair and mine started falling out when I was about 19. I think it's luck of the draw. I've been rocking a shaved head for about 5-6 years now and couldn't be happier. No hair style to maintain, no paying for haircuts, and a bottle of shampoo lasts me about 6 months. My advice for anyone who's got a hairline thats creepin back, suck it up like a man, grab a Mach 3 and take it all off. You'll look pathetic trying to hide the problem plus all those miracle solutions are rip off and almost never do what they're supposed to anyway. Also, lots of chicks love bald dudes. Almost no chicks like balding dudes.
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD :confused: :confused: :confused: Before tattoos and heroin?
  15. ^^^ Exactly. When I use that lens at parties and fill the frame, my friends are like "you sure we're in the picture?" Haaha. I think I put it up in here already but since the topic came up again here's a car photo I made with the 10-20 It can be real sharp at times
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD You're right. Had to clear my cookies to see they weren't moving. I guess somethings up with the host site. Was able to fix a few them
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Weird. They are on my screen and on the site i got em from
  18. The 10-20 is great for making auto photos. Especially at car shows cause you can get right up on the vehicle and avoid getting unwanted onlookers in the frame. You know what I'm sayin d van. By the way, have you messed with any filters on this lens? I got a B+W polarizer for it but it's a bitch to use. I'm thinking about selling it and grabbing a ND
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