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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^I can't fucking believe you! Just kidding. Good luck with that!
  2. almost everything will at some time leak. Especially if you are using them a lot. I have started to keep my mops in a plastic bag. While it may seem too much, it's pretty awesome to just hold the mop in the plastic bag(sandwich bag) and expose the tip out of the bag, take the top off, and get busy. Recap and pull bag back over. It's also like having a glove at the same time. The bag protects your fingers. If your KR mop busts on you, just grab a kiwi shoe polish mop. They are essentially the same thing. Good luck.
  3. Sk8ter: I don't know specifically of they clay I was talking about... I just know that there are clays that will dry without you needing to cook it. The reason that you want this clay is so the mold doesn't change shape as it dries. If you wanted a permanent mold, you would start with this one, make a reverse cast, and then make another mold with your reverse/negative(?) cast and then cook that. Just ask someone at a art store. Let them know the size that you are trying to make the mold. You will need a fair amount. They should be able to point you the right direction. I am interested in this now as well, so I will be on the look out.
  4. ^^Never tried it, but I want to now that I wrote about it. I like doing shit with my hands and stuff.
  5. ^^This is hot! Finally some substance. So I read this and think it's brilliant. You can get a candle and shave it down the size that want your end product to be. Then take wet clay that will dry hard(not needing to be cooked), and form a block around the shaved candle. You want two pieces though. A bottom mold that the candle can lay in. The bottom mold will cover half of the candle. The top mold will sit on top and cover the whole candle. Then depending on how your end product is made... For instance, I see you making something that is a hot liquid that cools solid. If I am right, then you want to put a good sized hole in the top half of the block mold that goes all the way to candle. Let the clay dry around the candle(grease the candle so it wont stick to the clay, even though it shouldn't) with wax paper between the halves so that the two blocks don't dry to each other. As long as the surfaces, where the block halves touch, are flush... when the clay dries, you can take out the candle put the block back together and bind it shut, with maybe some petroleum jelly to keep it sealed, and then pour in your molten material into the hole you made in the mold. Keep filling until it's all the way, and you have gotten as much of the air out of the center as possible* and then let it sit and cool. Once it's cooled down, throw the whole thing into the fridge to make sure the center of your mold is cooled solid. Once that is all set, crack that sucker open, and shave off all the imperfections(they are unavoidable in this setup), wrap it up. I really hope that you are trying to make your own streaks! *make two holes. One for filling the mold, one for letting the air out to avoid air pockets in your mold. Good luck!
  6. ^^As far as that stuff goes... I have never used or seen it. I can tell you that the warning on the bottom of the label leads me to believe that it is worth using. Is it just the polish, or does it have a an applicator of some sort, ala griffin ink?
  7. Graffiti Tip #4,079... Want to get really good at refilling your markers without making a mess but not having to spend a bunch of loot on measuring devices?? You know the little mouthwash/bathroom cups you can buy at any grocery store? The little paper ones... They are just about 3oz. filled to the top. So most markers at about 3oz or just under. Just use two of them and pour the ink into a little over half of the cup. This is the magical part... Grab the rim of the paper cup with your index finger and your thumb... and squeeze. You now have two really great and reliable spouts to pour your ink out with. If you are adding chemical powders to your marker... just do the same steps, but put the powders in the dry unused cup first and then use the spouts to tap the chems into your marker, then put ink the cup and put the ink in on top of the chems, already in the marker, put the nib and cap on, and then shake the shit out of that guy. Your all set now. Just make sure to double up on cups, because most really good inks will work their way through the wall of the first cup. Clean up is even easier. Just recycle those plastic grocery bags by putting you smelly ass ink covered rags and cups in them, tie it shut, and then throw away. No terrible kitchen smell any more! All this could be yours for... Free. Good luck.
  8. Sort of... You can, but the chemicals in spray paint keep the the paint ever expanding. You have the let the paint paint sit covered for a while and then release the pressure, recap, shake some, release more pressure, repeat several times. Other wise you run the risk, especially if you marker is air tight when closed, of having it bust on you and getting paint everywhere! Not good. Just stick with the easy oil based bucket paint recipes on the first page of this thread. You should be golden.
  9. ^^So good! /nosarcasm.
  10. Damn! Getting called out! It's a toss up... I would show my stuff until I had more personal colors and then reveal my secret... That is mostly likely already posted in this thread. On the first page. ... But thats just me. Keep it secret... keep it safe.
  11. ^^almost everything on 12oz defeats any purpose of the original intent. These threads aren't gospel either. You just have to go with it, or don't. It's the American way at least. Plus... there are really only 3 people that sell anything in this and the marker thread. The rest is half mindless babble, and half pretty good recipe talk. You really have to sift through the whole thread lightly, or search a topic and you can get really good info. Just have to look hard enough.
  12. Good question... Are you using ink or paint? I would say use the med bottle rather than the film canister if you are using ink. I don't think either would work with paint due to the lack of squeezing on either container. Find thick tough felt. Steal it from a busted marker. Cut a hole, much smaller than the felt, in the top of the med can. And push the felt through the hole from the bottom up(as if you were starting from the inside of the can and pushing the nib out of the cap). I would leave more the felt in the body side than the nib/out side. Put some fabric or cotton in the bottle, add ink, saturate the nib with ink, screw cap on bottle and there you go. Best part is... You can almost totally use the film canister as a cap for your new medicated styled out marker. Now that's some Macgyver shit right there! Good luck, Post flicks.
  13. hahaha great minds right? EDIT: ^^bucket paint rules for the squeezer to ground application, but for the markers and "thinning out," only use OIL BASED paint. Other wise the thinners will not mix with anything other than oil based paint. For ratios on the mixing, check the first few pages of this or the Ink thread. Good luck.
  14. The glue markers are good for the paint if you can squeeze the body of the marker. If you can... you can refer to it as a mop from now on. You can put anything in a mop. But if you use the word marker, it immediately brings to mind a marker with a stiff felt nib(tip). Those you only want to put ink in, if you are refilling them. The glue sticks/markers or even window markers can be considered "mops" for what you will be doing with it. As for that lotion bottle... You should go to the store and get an empty condiment bottle, like the yellow mustard bottles at hot dog joint, and those work amazing! Good luck and thanks for typing like an adult. !!
  15. I don't want to be a mod or anything like that, but sometimes... I just wish I could instantly ban some people... Just touch the button. But ah well. You and and smooth-nutz can chill out in my ignore list together. Congrats! You are the second person I have done this for. You earned it big guy!
  16. You know all those pesky little red lines under everything you type?? Yeah... you are stupid. Why the FUCK would you type like that and expect people to take you seriously?
  17. ^^YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO READ AND THEN RESPOND. Take your toy ass back the beginning of this thread and get your answers. There is also a search function... Use it! All your dumb ass questions have been answered a hundred time already. So stop asking and earn your knowledge instead of trying to get the easy in. Oh yeah... Fuck off and go somewhere else. Cheers!
  18. You are a useless question. And that wasn't a childish joke. DON'T come on here and diss people for trying to help you out, and DON"T answer questions like you know what you are talking about because you DON'T! It's little fucking kids like you that ruin everything they get there grubby little fingers on for that 6 month period that they decide will be their new identity. Take my advice and don't post on here and expect any good responses when you act like a dick to people that are here to help. Fuck I wish this internet shit allowed us to at some point be face to face. A lot of you know nothing shits wouldn't talk half the shit you do! You might want to take your own advice and: "...look at the fukin thing ur doin" Your being an ignorant fuck head. FUCK OFF MATE, and ask your multiple asinine questions somewhere else. Maybe you and Smooth-Nuts can start a crew and bomb the suburbs together. Make your parents proud!
  19. ^^you should roll by the crib more often... It's a new addition. Something you ain't never seen before! You won't get the gas from it either!
  20. ^^Correct. Krink or any paint based formula will not, WILL NOT, flow through a real mini wide. If its fresh... Don't use it. You are holding onto a real piece of our history. It's like collecting vintage colors and spay cans. You can make/get the same effect of a mini wide by making one. Takes 10 min. tops! I FINALLY got a NOS Mini-wide(thanks Oink!) and that guy is going in a frame or something... I have wanted one since I first saw it in 92', and never got one till this year. The lady was laughing at me cause I paid for one and was joking me... But then when she saw that I had ordered ink also, she got all upset was like, "Don't fucking use that thing!" She is a bad ass. She also made the comment that "...only a real toy would use one of those today." She's right. If you have to use it... Only use ink, and not DED outdoorsman. It's too good at what it does, and will clog up that stiff nib.
  21. ^^This deserves to be bumped to this page in the best of ways. The color looks great, and your attitude is incredibly awesome! You've got that PMA!
  22. ^^The Ink RULES! Pilot ink is mad expensive and worth every penny. Only refill Pilot markers with ink. NEVER PAINT! And some inks will not work in it. The only one that I know of is DEDoutdoorsman. It will not work well in a Pilot. Good luck kid. Check out the first few pages or search for "pilot" in this thread to find the best ways to refill and use a pilot. Stay up.
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