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Everything posted by Getoe

  1. Probably already posted but my favorite video growing up. I used to dream about skate camp. Wish I could of gone. Hokus Pokus!
  2. I wish I could but I can't.
  3. Blood in blood out homie. Chicken teriyaki roll. Sushi leftovers with tomato and spicy mayo on a toasted bagel. Asparagus rolls with spicy mayo. Mahi Mahi, mac salad, rice, teriyaki honey dew sauce.
  4. Looks like the real deal to me, semolina flour, roll it, cut it, stuff it, noms.
  5. just the guys in the san jose thread.
  6. Oh yeah, well my whole skin is made of Ben Davis.
  7. Oh yeah, well I shit diamonds and piss excellence.
  8. Yeah I'm pretty much the same way, most of my clothes have bit the dust. I still have personal preference though. I hate the shit they have up here. I get sick of searching on ebay forever, but it's still great. And yeah BFE = next to the Yukon.
  9. That's because I'm FAT.
  10. I apologize if there already is a thread for this, close it if there is please. But I live in BFE and the stores here SUCK. I'm pretty much forced to buy the stuff I like online. At the moment I'm trying to get some clothes shopping done on a tight budget. I found a site that sells shirts by the dozen 40 bucks for good quality shirts. http://www.wholesaledirectusa.com/index.htm Where do you buy your gear? I wanna know! :confused:
  11. Wow what an inconsiderate piece of shit. Hope you don't get in trouble for that bullshit.
  12. Oh yeah, well I'm Robin Hood. Been robbin' hoods since hoods could be robbed.
  13. Oh yeah, well the only reason this thread is stupid is because Sponge Bob is mad that black people call ME nigga.
  14. Oh yeah, well I had a feeling these booger eating retards weren't mine.
  15. Oh yeah, well I beat Biz Markie in a beatbox battle using sign language. Now they want to put me in a little corner box on the screen while Biz beat boxes and sign for him. IT WILL BE AN EASY JOB. I'll probably get paid more than you.
  16. Oh yeah, well my mom can double fist rotisserie chickens while doing yoga knitting a sweater for your mom while standing in line at fed ex. Blindfolded.
  17. I wanna be in Justice.
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