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Everything posted by paint2metal

  1. Yeah and one last thing, do you really think Rustoleum is going to admittingly tell you how much paint sales make up for an illegal activity like graffiti. It like asking a tool company that makes a center punch how many car thieves buy that tool over auto mechanics.
  2. Its called figure of speech. I wasnt implying any of you were actually lucky which is why I did'nt catch it when he threw it back this way. If you were actually lucky in life you wouldn't be sitting here arguing about who makes up what for the most amount of paint sales. In fact you seem very unlucky...but that is your problem not mine.
  3. Not a bad idea at all but in the same point do you really , really think I give flying fuck at the end of the day.
  4. You toys are giving me a migrane. Have fun talking jibberish.
  5. Where did I say it made anyone lucky. Wtf are you talking about? What is your level of education. 6th grade?
  6. I hate to break it to you but you werent even a thought in this world when I first got into this game. Your just lucky Im not stupid to talk about who and what is I do on the internet. Ill save that for toys like you.
  7. Your a funny fucker arent you? You have a veteran status on 12oz. Does that mean you spend all your time on here popping shit , while Im getting up. I bet you it does. Just more internet toys talking shit.
  8. An unless you got some sales stats from Home Depot or Rusto you aint proved a damn thing. Again how many times have you been in one of these stores and actually seen common folk picking up more then one or two cans at a time. Normally I have the paint rack to myself in these places. Then again though if you aint really getting up you would'nt be in these shops to see this now would you?
  9. On primary colors Id agree with you fags but seriously you can't tell me on fruity colors that writers are not buying a large market of that shit.
  10. So wait your not genrealizing either then. I didnt see no homies while driving throigh Brownsville ,Brooklyn in this fucking weather spray painting there cars purple while driving through yesterday///. and chances are if they are spray painting there cars they are using auto paint form R&S Strauss.
  11. Well good then here is a fucking cookie for ya...but just know you didnt win shit.
  12. Thank you...exactly the same experience Ive had in the past 20 something years of writing.
  13. Your the fucking moron...the percentage of United States that has cold winter weather to warm weather is probably around 75% to 25% during the Winter Season. Do your math & geography. The back of Rusto says paint should be used when temperatures are above 50 Farenheit. Umm trying looking up the USA Weather map and tell me how many states are above 50 farenheit at the moment. Weather.com lists about 75 % of the States currently at 40 degrees or less. Great painting weather for the backyard huh? No more lke great weather for racking. Which is what probably makes a big part of the sales for Rusto during this time of year. Face it the average Joe Schmoe is going to follow the instructions on the can. Which means wait till warmer weather. Then when its gets warmer walk around when people are fixing up their homes and tell me how many people , contractors you see using Spray Paint to paint up their fences , garages ...whatever. Hardly none. ...and what the fuck does it mean when you say their are far more people that dont write then do...no fucking duh. So does that mean they all go down to there local Home Depot and pick up cases of fruity colors for their fucking homes. Cmon now. Yeah contractors are really spray painting people's home interiors Key Lime Green & Grape. Think when the last time you were in a building somewhere or someones home where you have seen these colors painted on anything. Johnny Ballbags do me a favor keep the name calling to someone else. You want to debate me , show me you have a high enough IQ for me to even waste my time addressing you.
  14. In all the years Ive spent in paint aisles getting my paint on have I ever seen any normal folk walk off with more then one or two cans at a time. Let alone 99% of the time do I ever see anyone standing next to me looking at the paint. Anyone who thinks writers do not account for at least 50% of the sales in spray paint is smoking crack. Spray paint is not used for many applications. Even stuff like black wrought iron fences are usually painted with brush paint. I recently painted my apartment and sprayed the baseboard heating gloss white. That shit stunk my house up for days. Also if not probably ventilated the mist will get on things 10 feet away. Spray paint is not user friendly indoors. So now ridle me this. When is the last time you saw somebody paint their fence outdoors Key Lime or Berry Pink? Yeah I know the naysayers will say ok some people are smart enough to take that chair outdoors and paint it. Yeah but do you think the average Joe Schmoe or Grandma Mary is going to spray paint outdoors in the middle of Winter. NOT!!! Do you ever see some old people on the line at Home Depot with a shopping cart full of spray paint. NOT!!!!
  15. and I tried that exacto knife thing and it did'nt work. It made that shit spray out like a chisel cap. Ive also put female caps on it from Lysol , Upholestry cleaner and Spray Starch and none sprayed out any wider. Yet they write fat on the cleaners themselves. Im wondering if these cans even have enough pressure now that they are any angle to paint with.
  16. Why do I get feeling that anyone who says this new valve system and its caps are good have no shit running on the lines.
  17. Im pretty Sour about the Apple...wtf are they doing?
  18. I'm not sure whats constitutes old school NYC in Dego's pieces but I certainly dont recall ever seeing him up with the likes of "Old School" NYC freight writers like Cavs , Smith , Mone , Sien 5 , Sento & Zephyr.
  19. brrrrrrrr. I had to turn the heat up after looking at this thread.
  20. that ICH skull hiding out behind one of the freights. For some reason it looked very creepy back there.
  21. That is just straight fucked up. Not only do I have to pop the tops off now I gotta take the nozzles off to check...fuckers.
  22. I actually did speak to the product technical support. She put me on hold and asked a few other people and none were even aware of the new cap design. Rusto site has no info on it.
  23. The only animals you have running around out here are pigs. The human ones that is.
  24. That Nace floater doesn't even look real. Crazy shit... Also digging that UP logo that says UP Overland. Never seen that logo before. That shit sounds tough.
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