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Everything posted by Brickos

  1. So, you make a video so all youtube kids can fap at you... hmmm, at least you could do something like STICKING A FUCKING DICK IN YOUR ASS. Awesome threadels...
  2. YES...!!! But "sexier uniforms" :D
  3. $700 AUD worth every cent $550 the previous year http://www.bikeradar.com/gear/category/bikes/bmx/product/supergoose-comp-08-30308?_brc=1 Still got it but nowhere near as much fun. :D :D :D
  4. I have this http://www.kuwaharabmx.com/laserlite%20team.html there for I win...
  5. Today - Sydney Aust: THE police officer who accidentally shot himself in the leg while making an arrest in northern Sydney was reholstering his gun when it went off. The 31-year-old acting sergeant was shot just before 5.30am today after he and his three colleagues spotted an attempted break-in at the entrance to Westfield in Chatswood. The officers were on a routine patrol of the shopping district when they disturbed a man trying to break in to a number of shops on Anderson St. Detective Inspective Peter Yeomans said: "The officer drew his weapon in attempting to arrest the offender prior to the offender fleeing from the scene,'' he said. "It appears at that stage that the officer has tried to reholster his weapon. It was ... an accidental shooting." The officer, with seven years in the force, was rushed to Royal North Shore Hospital with a gunshot wound to his right leg. He is in a stable condition, a hospital spokeswoman said. Det Insp Yeomans said the acting sergeant, described as a respected member of the local Chatswood police station, would have surgery today. "He seems in good spirits at this stage,'' he said. "He will be admitted and there will be surgery later this evening.'' A critical investigation team is now investigating the shooting, with police cordoning off parts of Anderson St this morning. A man has been charged with break-in offences after a Sydney police officer accidentally shot himself in the leg while making an arrest.
  6. Brickos


    Purchased on the weekend... http://www.kuwaharabmx.com/laserlite%20pro24.html#link
  7. 87 I was given cassette with Run Dmc one side Beastie Boys the other, never looked back
  8. It's all good... One graf pic, one car pic...
  9. Pass... Happy to burn you on the other hand... Shit I'll even shout you the paint. Back to it...
  10. Title: Sydney - NSW - Australia Not Wollongong - Not Newcastle - Not the Blue Mountains - Not Timbukkfarkentoo... Find another shit forum to post your shit pics. DO NOT rubbish Sydney. I know it's school holidays and all... but there's ALOT of quality painting getting done, east to west in Syney currently and two fifths of fark all is getting posted in this thread... :D :D :D Ps someone get Eels to holla...
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