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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. Can mods ban Soup from a specific thread? I have no idea what the fuck you guys are arguing about but it's really fucking annoying. Page after page after page of fucking bullshit. Obviously no ones going to convince the other. STOP IT YOU FUCKING HOMOS.
  2. Take out the empty carbs (ramen) and get yourself some whole wheat bread and spaghetti. It's usually the same price. Eat a decent meal 2 hours before you workout that includes protein and maybe eat some fruit about 20-30 minutes before you go to the gym or just a small snack, just so your body has fuel when you're working out. Do some cardio after your weight training. There's no way you can be tired if you're doing cardio. Maybe switch up your workout too... try new shit...do reps/sets faster... don't go to the gym after 8ish.. Listen to your body, these are just tips, do what works for you.
  3. She looks like 8 feet tall. AAaaand... I'd trash.... I think? She's got a cute face
  4. just from crossfit, or are you eating really healthy?
  5. I'm 5'10" 207lbs. I need to lose some weight. I've gained about 15 pounds since i lost my job in spring. You get out of it just as much as you put in.
  7. I found like a thousand copies of the same playboy or penthouse issue soaking in this marsh once... in this really rural area, it was bizarre
  8. ^ban trolls. Keep your mouth shut when picking your nose.
  9. Can anyone tell me if these would make a good all around gym shoe? Squats/ DL's/ sprints etc... I've never really known what to look for. And I'm not lookin to get seperate shoes for different exercises.
  10. One of you bastards suggested some Nike running shoes a few pages ago.. what were they? YOu said they were cheap. Thanks!
  11. When I first started working out some fat guy came into to do deadlifts and he farted EVERY TIME he picked up the barbell. He left after one set. Funniest thing I've ever seen in a gym.
  12. ^^ This dude once neg'd me cuz i said i fuck my girl in the poop shoot.
  13. "Anything but a curl" Can someone explain this?
  14. I was lookin into that keto diet on BB.com... shit looks hard to pull off. They say a max number of carbs a day is 50... that's like 2 slices of bread, or a banana. And that your breath starts to reek. Could you still take multivitamins while on the diet? What about dairy products?
  15. all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves............ ?
  16. I'm not into running much, but when I do sprints in the indoor soccer field at the gym I go to... I get this soreness for like a week between the top of my ankle and the bottom of my calf, I think that's your soleus muscle? I feel it any time I stand up or walk around. What can I do to fix this? I stretch before and after I run, but it doesn't help.
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