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Everything posted by TIRE IRON

  1. A wise man once said. The power of love is a curious thing Make a one man weep, make another man sing Change a hawk to a little white dove More than a feeling thats the power of love
  2. Ride the motherfucker till the wheels fall off.
  3. SCRUBS TILL I DIE!!!11!!! FTW!!!
  4. She probably wears underwear with dick holes in them.
  5. Shruggers is the shit.. Definitely a favorite to catch.
  6. I want to see this one when it come out in June.. The Bridge. People suffer largely unnoticed while the rest of the world goes about its business. This is a documentary exploration of the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world, and those drawn by its call. Steel and his crew filmed the bridge during daylight hours from two separate locations for all of 2004, recording most of the two dozen deaths in that year (and preventing several others). They also taped interviews with friends, families and witnesses, who recount in sorrowful detail stories of struggles with depression, substance abuse and mental illness. Raises questions about suicide, mental illness and civic responsibility as well as the filmmaker's relationship to his fraught and complicated materia
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