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Everything posted by SMASHTHAT

  1. heyo sk8er6, is that an envelope-moistener mop? i
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread HAHAHA that shits SOO funny! especially the unnecessarily naked guy with only socks on.
  3. I grow bonsai trees.. ...somewhat... I have a goldenrod ficus and a mini elm... the elm is sculpted kinda.
  4. No, it helps me get my post count up... ..okay, NOW it has no reason to live. CLOSE?!
  5. I've yet to experiment with a roller piece but have always envied them... I have questions, no doubt: 1]. Latex paint. does it work for roll-ups? 2]. ....who me? 3]. Is it necessary to lay down a layer, then let it dry, and lay down another one, or can i just chunk up a color on top of a non-dry and go?
  6. BUMP for serato's SCRATCH LIVE
  7. Holy shit there are some retards in this forum... the best advice i could give is to not tell him about where or how often or how you get up. then maybe he'd just get his ass in trouble instead of yours also. im helping out a friend get into graf currently also. he has really taken an interest in stenciling coincidentally. me and him share sketches and stuff like that and luckily he understands the risks involved with painting and doesnt brag about it to any of his friends. NEVERTHELES ive kept him in the dark on where i get up. all he knows is my practice wall..
  8. when i get bored i practice my handwriting by writing Aesop Rock lyrics....the white one. I'm lame.


    a general critique, if i may. don't do exclamation points in throwies...I used to and i realised they just look like I's and subtract from the overall shape of yer throw-ups CHALLENGE ME ON THAT SON!...joking


    minus the wack fill
  11. As much as i can respect TAKI and other early writers for pioneering the sport, it pails in comparison to todays graf. although creditied with developing graf, their shit is wack in comparison to the art it's become, i concur with you on that. That is no right, however to justify inexperienced persons for thinking they have the right (or skill) to go pick up cans of 1992 krylon from their mom's garage and go over writers who put work in perfecting their art. Getting up in a safe spot to practice shit IS justifiable. Shit, i used to hit on cars in the forest behind my house. But from the looks of kids' posts there getting into the culture too fast. Practice all you want, just dont get up...
  12. this thread defies logic... ...toys painting?! has noone read the graf. bible?! (i have, it works)
  13. kids are mad retarded! A) Guy probably didnt draw that homoerotic cop mural at school B] He's probably expressing the homoeroticism you retards are excreting onto this thread C) Listen to dontsleep and do yer classwork. D) Don't hate on a kid writing a name...We were all toys once...Shit alot of us still are...(Me)
  14. those characters are pretty ill... ...that blockbuster is....lacking. WTF?
  15. LaWL p30pLE fr0m 1nglAnD dR3ss lyk3 f1cti0n4l ch4r4ct3rs fr0m eighteen-hundered and thirty eight!!!~!!1!111 Americans.. Oh damn, I am one. P.S. get a pencil before a marker, and use paper before property
  16. "I think we're dead. Time is going by really really really slowly" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I swear i could feel the correspondant thinking, "Uhh, No shit?" Oh yeah, bump that PI shit.
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